Российская киберспортивная команда Team Spirit заняла первое место на одном из престижных турниров по игре Dota 2 (категории «мэйджор») — PGL Arlington Major 2022. Соревнования с общим призовым фондом 500 тысяч долларов проходили в американском Арлингтоне (штат Техас).
В гранд-финале Team Spirit победил китайский коллектив PSG.LGD со счётом 3:1. Эти коллективы уже встречались в финале чемпионата мира 2021 года — The International, и тогда также сильнее была российская команда. Благодаря этой победе она заработала 18 миллионов долларов. Команды встречались ещё и в июле в финале турнира Riyadh Masters — победу одержали китайцы.
Российская команда Virtus.Pro, выступавшая на турнире под названием Outsiders, стала восьмой, уступив бразильскому коллективу Beastcoast во втором раунде нижней сетки (1:2). Outsiders и Team Spirit ранее гарантировали себе участие в чемпионате мира — The International, который пройдёт с 8 по 30 октября в Сингапуре. За участие в турнире в Арлингтоне Team Spirit заработала 200 тысяч долларов, а Outsiders — 12,5 тысячи.
В составе Team Spirit выступают россияне Ярослав Найдёнов (Miposhka), Магомед Халилов (Collapse), Александр Хертек (Torontotokyo), а также украинцы Мирослав Колпаков (Mira) и Илья Мулярчук (Yatoro). Общая сумма их призовых за выигранные турниры составляет более 20 миллионов в американской валюте.
Ранее Лайф писал, что в России подскочил спрос на тренеров по Dota 2. Это произошло сразу после того, как Team Spirit победила в главном международном киберспортивном турнире по игре в Dota2 — The International 10.
ТАСС / Александр Щербак
- Dota 2 Livescore
- Dota 2 ongoing matches & tournaments
- Dota 2 live: where to watch live stream
- About This Game
- Dota 2 Livescore
- Dota 2 ongoing matches & tournaments
- Dota 2 live: where to watch live stream
- Watch Dota 2 live streams
- Where can I find Dota 2 match schedule
- Where can I learn about Dota 2 upcoming matche
- Esports betting – Dota 2
- Where can I view Dota 2 live stat
Dota 2 Livescore
Dota 2 is a multiplayer team-tactical MOBA game. Dota 2 gained its popularity back in 2012, even at the early access stage. After the official release in July 2013, tens of thousands of people began to compete with each other. Two teams of five people in each team must destroy the enemy’s Ancient. Due to the fact that the game is competitive, players immediately began to gather in teams, which started to be signed by sponsors. Media personalities started to show streams of Dota 2. Spectators are happy to watch all the events related to Dota 2. Dota 2 tournaments and championships have become the largest in terms of organization and prize money. Not a single eSports discipline can surpass Dota 2 in terms of the total amount of prize money so far.
Dota 2 ongoing matches & tournaments
At wewatch.gg, you can get your head into the world of Dota 2. On the site, you will find:
- Any Dota 2 online match.
- Rating of favorite teams and players, game changes, and heroes rework.
- Live Score and game statistics, schedule, Dota 2 live games, and Dota 2 live streams.
- Odds only from trusted bookmakers.
- Videos and replays of all the coolest games and DotA 2 tournaments online of your favorite teams.
Dota 2 live: where to watch live stream
About This Game
The most-played game on Steam.
Every day, millions of players worldwide enter battle as one of over a hundred Dota heroes. And no matter if it’s their 10th hour of play or 1,000th, there’s always something new to discover. With regular updates that ensure a constant evolution of gameplay, features, and heroes, Dota 2 has truly taken on a life of its own.
One Battlefield. Infinite Possibilities.
When it comes to diversity of heroes, abilities, and powerful items, Dota boasts an endless array—no two games are the same. Any hero can fill multiple roles, and there’s an abundance of items to help meet the needs of each game. Dota doesn’t provide limitations on how to play, it empowers you to express your own style.
All heroes are free.
Competitive balance is Dota’s crown jewel, and to ensure everyone is playing on an even field, the core content of the game—like the vast pool of heroes—is available to all players. Fans can collect cosmetics for heroes and fun add-ons for the world they inhabit, but everything you need to play is already included before you join your first match.
Bring your friends and party up.
Dota is deep, and constantly evolving, but it’s never too late to join.
Learn the ropes playing co-op vs. bots. Sharpen your skills in the hero demo mode. Jump into the behavior- and skill-based matchmaking system that ensures you’ll
be matched with the right players each game.
Half-Life Citadel — по слухам, так называется новая игра по вселенной Half-Life, которая будет представлять собой смесь из FPS и RTS. И недавно среди файлов Dota 2 нашли детали, указывающие на персонажей и механики будущей игры Valve.
Подробностей Half-Life Citadel пока крайне мало, но есть информация, что это гибрид стратегии с элементами FPS, где придется взять на себя роль командира Цитадели, что возвышается над Сити-17. В игре необходимо управлять силами NPC-солдат. Citadel будет связана с общим сюжетом Half-Life, и, подобно Half-Life: Alyx, будет VR-тайтлом.
Ютубер Тайлер МакВикер обнаружил в коде Dota 2 несколько строк, судя по которым в Half-Life Citadel можно будет не только управлять техникой, но и кастомизировать ее. Кроме того есть упоминание классического HEV-костюма, который носит Гордон Фримен. Возможно, он будет применяться в FPS-сегментах игры.
И еще было обнаружено упоминание Хаундай — те самые собачки с десятками глаз. Судя по данным, на этих песиков можно будет что-то цеплять для кастомизации и апгрейда. Может быть, это одна из опций настройки своих юнитов в RTS-сегменте. Это же указывает и на потенциальное присутствие и других пришельцев из оригинальной игры.
Возвращаясь к технике, датамайнер отмечает, что ее упоминают так часто, что это может указывать на совсем другую игру по вселенной Half-Life. Недавно продакт-дизайнер Valve Грег Кумер рассказывал в интервью Famitsu, что у Valve много игр в разработке.
Официального анонса Half-Life Citadel пока не было
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Dota 2 Livescore
Dota 2 is a multiplayer team-tactical MOBA game. Dota 2 gained its popularity back in 2012, even at the early access stage. After the official release in July 2013, tens of thousands of people began to compete with each other. Two teams of five people in each team must destroy the enemy’s Ancient. Due to the fact that the game is competitive, players immediately began to gather in teams, which started to be signed by sponsors. Media personalities started to show streams of Dota 2. Spectators are happy to watch all the events related to Dota 2. Dota 2 tournaments and championships have become the largest in terms of organization and prize money. Not a single eSports discipline can surpass Dota 2 in terms of the total amount of prize money so far.
Dota 2 ongoing matches & tournaments
At wewatch.gg, you can get your head into the world of Dota 2. On the site, you will find:
- Any Dota 2 online match.
- Rating of favorite teams and players, game changes, and heroes rework.
- Live Score and game statistics, schedule, Dota 2 live games, and Dota 2 live streams.
- Odds only from trusted bookmakers.
- Videos and replays of all the coolest games and DotA 2 tournaments online of your favorite teams.
Dota 2 live: where to watch live stream
Watch Dota 2 live streams
Cybersport Dota 2 is a popular PC MOBA-game and one of the most popular eSports disciplines. Every year, many tournaments attract both amateur and pro players with a high Matchmaking Rating (MMR). But the main event for Dota 2 fans is, of course, Dota 2 tournament The International, which holds the record for its prize pool (over $31 million).
- broadcasts of main events of Dota 2;
- match schedules;
- live scores;
- live odds.
There is no doubt that playing Dota 2 is a lot of fun. But it is also interesting to watch the game of professional teams. Since many professional games take place in Dota online, you can watch Dota 2 live games on our website.
Where can I find Dota 2 match schedule
On this site, you can view the Dota 2 match schedule, which includes all current livegames, Dota 2 last matches, and upcoming Dota 2 matches.
Where can I learn about Dota 2 upcoming matche
The schedule of games is presented in a convenient and intuitive calendar. Also, on the site, you can always find useful articles and interesting news about Dota 2 future matches, and competitions. We broadcast all the games that Dota 2 fans find interesting, and therefore if you like to watch Dota 2 streams in real time, our site will let you have some fun.
Esports betting – Dota 2
Since Dota 2 is a popular competitive cyber discipline, bookmakers offer good odds on a variety of Dota 2 events, tournaments, and championships. That’s why many of those who often watch Dota 2 games online are bettors. If you want to place bets on Dota 2, Wewatch provides information on the best gambling sites. You can also check here the current Dota 2 live score of the ongoing matches.
But eSports is not a usual game of chance. Here you cannot rely only on your own luck. Therefore, on our website, you can familiarize yourself with the current predictions for Dota 2. Thanks to them, you can bet on Dota 2 matches today even without a deep understanding of the game.
But if a deep understanding of Dota 2 is important to you, watching online broadcasts of various Dota 2 events is the best way to acquire it. You can watch any match you are interested in on our website, thus improving your understanding of what is happening in this MOBA discipline every day.
Where can I view Dota 2 live stat
- What hero should I take to win?
Dota 2 is characterized by a great variety of items and characters. Also, the heroes are provided at no cost — you just need to choose the one you like best and that suits your style.
- How long can a match in Dota 2 take?
The main goal of the teams is to destroy their opponent’s Throne. It can take a quarter of an hour or a few hours to reach it. This is because of the serious obstacles in the path of each team like enemy heroes, towers, and creeps.
- How do I choose which team to bet on?
Two teams of five take part in each match of this multiplayer online discipline. Each player plays his own important role in a team and the success of the whole match, or even the whole tournament, often depends on players’ coherence. So, be careful how well coordinated the play of the team you want to bet on.