Эфирный лезвие


Ether Blast.

Придаёт цели бесплотный облик, который полностью защищает от физического урона, но не позволяет атаковать и увеличивает получаемый магический урон на -40%.

Если целью выбран противник, он также замедляется на -80% и получает магический урон в размере 1,5 * его основной атрибут + 50.   

Основного атрибута в урон

Замедление скорости передвижения врага

Снижение сопротивления магии

ко всем атрибутам

к дальности применения заклинаний
+ к восстановлению маны

Расход маны:



  • Атрибуты этого предмета дают следующие дополнительные бонусы:
    • 176 здоровья и 0,8 восстановления здоровья.
    • 96 маны и 0,4 восстановления маны.
    • 8 скорости атаки и 1,33 базовой брони.
    • 8 урона от основной атаки всем героям атрибута сила/ловкость/интеллект.
    • 16,8 урона от основной атаки универсальным героям.
  • Предмет можно разобрать.
  • Предмет нельзя передать.
  • Нельзя сообщить союзникам о готовности использования предмета.
  • Способность является направленной на юнита и действует на союзников или противников. Наносит магический урон.
  • Урон и замедление скорости передвижения применяются только к вражеским целям.
    • Двойное нажатие автоматически применяет способность на себя.
  • Применяет к цели призрачную форму, давая обезоруживание, иммунитет к атакам и 100%  сопротивление физическому урону.
  • Снаряд летит со скоростью 1275.
  • Проверяет основной атрибут заклинателя при попадании снаряда.
  • Заряд сначала применяет дебафф призрачной формы, затем наносит урон, а затем применяет замедление.
    • То есть он усиливает свой собственный урон.
  • Снижает сопротивление магии большинства героев до -5%.
  • Снижение сопротивления магии от Ether Blast не сочетается с другими эффектами призрачной формы, приоритет закреплен за источником с наибольшим значением.
  • Делит перезарядку с Ghost Scepter.

Этот мерцающий призрачный меч бьёт и и по физическому, и по магическому слою реальности.

Изменения в патчах

от 15.12.23

  • Рецепт изменён. Собирается из Aether Lens (2275 золота), Ghost Scepter (1500 золота) и рецепта (1600 золота). Общая стоимость увеличилась с 4650 до 5375 золота;
  • Больше не даёт бонусы от предмета Kaya;
  • Даёт +8 ко всем атрибутам, +300 к мане, + 3 к восстановлению маны и +250 к дальности применения заклинаний.

от 21.04.23

  • Ether Blast: универсальные герои получают урон, равный 60% от суммы всех трёх атрибутов.

от 23.02.22

  • Теперь собирается из: Kaya, Ghost Scepter и рецепта за 1100 золота (итого 4650 золота);
  • Теперь имеет следующие характеристики: +25 к интеллекту, +5 к ловкости, +5 к силе, +24% к усилению вампиризма от заклинаний, +12% к урону от способностей, +75% к усилению восстановления маны;
  • Ether Blast: базовый урон уменьшен с 125 до 50;
  • Ether Blast: теперь наносит урон в зависимости от основного атрибута цели, а не заклинателя;
  • Ether Blast: перезарядка увеличена с 20 до 22.

от 18.12.20

  • Стоимость Eaglesong уменьшена с 3000 до 2800 (общая стоимость уменьшилась с 4500 Золото до 4300).

от 17.03.20

  • Стоимость Eaglesong уменьшена с 3200 до 3000 (общая стоимость уменьшилась с 4700 до 4500);
  • Ether Blast: урон от основного атрибута уменьшен с 200 до 150%;
  • Ether Blast: базовый урон увеличен с 75 до 125.

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Imagine your hero wielding this majestic blade, it not only amplifies your magic power but also turns your attacks into a whimsical burst of ethereal energy.

Upgraded Item | Weapons

A flickering blade of a ghastly nature, it is capable of dealing damage in both magical and physical planes.

Imagine your hero wielding this majestic blade, it not only amplifies your magic power but also turns your attacks into a whimsical burst of ethereal energy.

Base Combat Stats

+ 8 All Attributes

bonus mana

+ 300 Mana

+ 250 Cast Range

bonus mana regen

+ 3 Mana Regeneration


Imagine your hero wielding this majestic blade, it not only amplifies your magic power but also turns your attacks into a whimsical burst of ethereal energy.


Active: Ether Blast

Converts the target unit to ethereal form, rendering them immune to physical damage, but unable to attack and % more vulnerable to magic damage.
Enemy targets are also slowed by %, and take x your target’s primary attribute + as magical damage.
Duration: seconds

Additional Insights

  • Shares cooldown with Ghost Scepter.
  • Ethereal units take %ethereal_damage_bonus%%% bonus magic damage.
  • For Universal Heroes, their primary attribute is 60%% the sum of all their attributes.
  • Using a Town Portal Scroll or Boots of Travel will not dispel Ethereal Form.
  • Plays very well with heroes that have high magical damage already making them more like demons on the loose


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Ethereal Blade as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

Best bought if you needed the extra burst on your magical damage output, Have you ever tried comboing one hero and ended feeling short causing them to turn around and just kill you helplessly? Well this one will solve all your nightmares away!

Heroes with Ethereal Blade as Core Item

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Gyrocopter

A core upgrade for Aether Lens to amplify your magic damage on an enemy hero and burst them down with all your spells. Also works as a save for your cores against physical damage.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lina

An upgrade for Aether Lens to amplify your magic damage on an enemy hero and burst them down with all your spells. Also works as a save for you or an ally against physical damage.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pudge

An upgrade for Aether Lens to amplify your magic damage toolkit on an enemy hero to burst them down. Also works as a save for your cores against physical damage.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Rubick

A core item to amplify your magic damage on an enemy hero and burst them down with Fade Bolt and stolen spells. Also works as a save for your cores against physical damage.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Skywrath Mage

A core item to amplify your magic damage on an enemy hero and burst them down with all your spells. Also works as a save for your cores against physical damage.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Techies

A core item to amplify your magic damage on an enemy hero and burst them down with all your spells. Can be used on an enemy hero to disarm them so that they cannot hit the Proximity Mine you place under them, or protect yourself against physical damage.

Heroes countered by Ethereal Blade

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Faceless Void

Lets you save an ally caught inside the Chronosphere AoE. Can also be used on yourself quickly before Chronosphere lands to buy time.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Juggernaut

Lets you kite Juggernaut by protecting yourself or an ally against his right clicks and Omnislash.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Legion Commander

Lets you save an ally caught by Duel. Can also be used on yourself quickly before Duel starts to buy time.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lifestealer

Lets you kite Lifestealer by protecting yourself or an ally against his right clicks in Ethereal form.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Magnus

Lets you save an ally caught by Reverse Polarity. Can also be used to protect yourself against Magnus’ right clicks in Ethereal form.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Marci

Lets you save an ally stunned by Rebound during Unleash. Can also be used to protect yourself against Marci’s right clicks in Ethereal form.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Medusa

Lets you save an ally stunned by Stone Gaze. Can also be used to protect yourself against Medusa’s right clicks in Ethereal form.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Meepo

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Monkey King

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Naga Siren

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phantom Assassin

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phantom Lancer

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Slardar

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Slark

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Snapfire

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Spectre

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Sven

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Templar Assassin

Lets you save yourself or an ally from Templar Assassin’s right clicks when slowed by Psionic Trap.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Terrorblade

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Tiny

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Troll Warlord

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ursa

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Weaver

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Windranger

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Winter Wyvern

Lets you save an ally caught by Winter’s Curse from taking damage by your team. Be careful not to walk inside the AoE of the spell when using the item.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Wraith King


The Ethereal Blade was originally known as the ‘Ether Blade’ in earlier versions of Dota. However, its name was changed to ‘Ethereal Blade’ in Dota 2. The term ‘ethereal’ refers to a state of being extremely delicate and light, which aligns with the nature of the item, transforming heroes or enemies into an ethereal form that amplifies magic damage while reducing physical damage taken. This change in name, from ‘Ether Blade’ to ‘Ethereal Blade’, emphasized the mystical and magical aspects of the item, highlighting its unique abilities and lore within the game.

  • Item
  • Changelogs
  • Old Abilities

Ethereal Blade is an item purchasable at the Base Shop, under Weapons.

Components required from the Base Shop
Components required from the Secret Shop

A flickering blade of a ghastly nature, it is capable of dealing damage in both magical and physical planes.
Cost 1600 Gold (1600)
Full price refunded within 10s. 800 Gold
Active Ether Blast
Bonus ? +8 Strength
+8 Agility
+8 Intelligence
+300 Mana
+3 Mana Regeneration
+250 Cast Range
Usage Alert ?

Ethereal Blade (1600)

Recipe (1600)

  • The item’s attributes grants the following additional bonuses:

Converts the target unit to ethereal form, rendering them immune to physical damage, but unable to attack and 40% more vulnerable to magic damage.

Enemy targets are also slowed by 80%, and take 1.5x your target’s primary attribute + 50 as magical damage.

Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range increasing sources.

Base Damage:

Primary Attribute as Damage Bonus:

Universal Attributes as Damage Bonus:

Enemy Move Speed Slow:

Magic Resistance Reduction:

Mana Cost

This ability is nullified by Spell Block sources.


  • The damage and movement speed slow are only applied to enemy targets.
    • automatically target self.
  • Ether Blast first applies the ethereal debuff, the damage, then the movement speed slow debuff.
  • Turns the target ethereal, disarming them, rendering them attack immune, and granting 100% physical damage resistance.
    • Magic resistance reduction of multiple ethereal sources does not stack, the one with higher value takes priority.
  • The projectile travels at a speed of 1275.
  • Checks the caster’s primary attribute upon projectile hit.
    • Heroes with primary attribute: 50 + 1.5 × CurrentPrimaryAttribute
    • heroes: 50 + 0.6 × ΣAttributes

This item is one of the must-haves of a damaging spellcaster’s inventory, most especially for Intelligence heroes. The active ability can be used on enemies to make them significantly more vulnerable against magical damage. The active ability deals more damage proportional to the hero’s primary attribute, which makes it even more effective in the hands of intelligence heroes who gain more benefits from its stat bonuses. Ether Blast’s ability to increase vulnerability to magic damage is boosted by the item’s passive bonus of spell damage.

Since it applies an ethereal status on the target, it is an excellent disable that can cripple targets who rely on right clicks. The added slow effect not only allows you to catch up to fast or moving targets, but it also slows them down so that point-click abilities can be landed much easier with less risk of missing your crucial spells. Care must be taken though, as Ether Blast can render targets immune to physical damage, disrupting allies who may be trying to aid you in taking down your target with their physical damage.

When used on self, it can interrupt enemies who are harming you with physical damage. You will not be slowed by Ether Blast unlike its effect on enemies, so this ability is a good source of protection for heroes who are vulnerable to physical damage and have little to no use for their right clicks. It can be exploited by heroes with excellent escape capabilities, giving their physical damage dealing enemies something else to cry about. Beware though, for the enemy may have a source of magic damage that will turn your ethereal protection against you, plus some physical damage spells with debilitating debuffs like stuns can still affect you, if not damage you.

Last but not least, the passive bonus of spell lifesteal amplification and mana regen amplification is a welcome boost for all spellcasters. For the former bonus, the hero must have a source of spell lifesteal for the amplification to actually work.

  • Can be used in combination with for massive amounts of burst damage.
  • Ethereal Blade's projectile

    Ethereal Blade’s projectile

  • Warlock hit by Ethereal Blade

    Warlock hit by Ethereal Blade

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