Конкурентная мета


This is automatically generated report for custom league Competitive Meta — Last Two Weeks — Tier 1/2 tournaments stats for the past 14 days.

There were 443 matches played. 83 teams participated in this event.

236 matches were played on 7.36c patch. All matches were played in Captains Mode gamemode. 155 matches were played on Europe West servers.

First match was played on 07:02:09 17 Jun 2024.
Last match was played on 12:04:46 1 Jul 2024.

Matches per day

Balance rank Winrate Pickrate Contest Rate
62.2 79.2 46.8 41.9
Matches 443
Matches without detailed analysis 0
Players in league 399
Teams on event 83
Heroes contested 123
Heroes picked 120
Heroes banned 117
Kills per minute on average 1.42157381
Median hero picks 22
Median hero bans 23
Median hero gpm 473
Median hero xpm 592
Median match duration 37:27
Radiant winrate 49.6614
Dire winrate 50.3386
Total roshans killed 968
Average Roshan kills per game by Radiant 1.0903
Average Roshan kills per game by Dire 1.0948
Total creeps murdered 1004540
Average creeps kills per game 2196.5847
Average creeps kills per game by Radiant 1092.1738
Average creeps kills per game by Dire 1104.4108
Creeps denied 31453
Total observer wards planted 15361
Average wards placed per game by Radiant 17.3296
Average wards placed per game by Dire 17.3454
Total observer wards destroyed 5028
Average wards destroyed per game by Radiant 5.7743
Average wards destroyed per game by Dire 5.5756
Total couriers killed 1177
Average couriers killed per game by Radiant 1.2415
Average couriers killed per game by Dire 1.4153
Total buybacks 1594
Average number of buybacks per game by Radiant 1.7404
Average number of buybacks per game by Dire 1.8578
Rampages total 11
Average match duration 37:24
Average Radiant Win duration 36:43
Average Dire Win duration 38:04
Новости:  На какую кнопку вйти Папичев и его стим аккаунты
Most matches played Execration (XctN) 28
Highest winrate Apex Genesis (Apex) 100.00%
Team with Widest Hero Pool Cuyes e-Sports (Cuy) 50
Team with Smallest Hero Pool Apex Genesis (Apex) 5
Player with Widest Hero Pool XctN.Shanks 15
Player with Smallest Hero Pool TeHr.Mr.Bot Jr 1
Hero Diversity Lava.DaaD- 73.85%
Hero Matches Contest Rate Rank Picked Winrate mp Banned Winrate mb
templar_assassin Templar Assassin 404 91.20% 100.00 41 68.29% 1.9 363 53.72% 15.8
brewmaster Brewmaster 288 65.01% 99.19 92 65.22% 4.2 196 46.43% 8.5
witch_doctor Witch Doctor 305 68.85% 98.37 70 57.14% 3.2 235 50.64% 10.2
tiny Tiny 388 87.58% 97.56 166 56.02% 7.5 222 43.24% 9.7
storm_spirit Storm Spirit 274 61.85% 96.75 108 56.48% 4.9 166 50.00% 7.2
dark_seer Dark Seer 338 76.30% 95.93 101 51.49% 4.6 237 51.48% 10.3
phoenix Phoenix 335 75.62% 95.12 119 50.42% 5.4 216 52.31% 9.4
chaos_knight Chaos Knight 302 68.17% 94.31 123 48.78% 5.6 179 55.31% 7.8
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden 144 32.51% 93.50 110 56.36% 5.0 34 58.82% 1.5
pangolier Pangolier 283 63.88% 92.68 125 48.00% 5.7 158 55.70% 6.9

World Leaderboards

Who is eligible to appear on the leaderboard?

  • At least 300 lifetime matchmade games played. (Unranked or ranked PvP matches only.)
  • At least 100 lifetime ranked games
  • At least 14 calibrated ranked games in the last 21 days in the same division

How do I know what division I’m in?

It’s the division in which you have played the most ranked games in the past 21 days. (In case of a tie, we use the division that has the more recent match.)

Does a match still qualify towards the recency requirement if somebody abandons, times out due to network problems, etc?

Yes, provided that MMRs are updated. If the match is thrown out for any reason, then it is not a qualifying match.

Which server regions are assigned to which divisions?

Americas: US West, US East, South America
Europe: Europe West, Europe East, Russia, South Africa
China: Perfect World Telecom, Perfect World Unicom
Southeast Asia: South Korea, SE Asia, Australia

When are leaderboards updated?

Leaderboards are updated each hour.

Where’s the global leaderboard?

The MMR of each division is on a different scale, and comparing MMRs across divisions is not currently meaningful.


This page only contains general information about league and small amount of available stats. Look throughout other sections for advanced data.

Higher limiter: 5
Lower limiter: 1
Graph limiter: 4
Analyzer version: 2.26.1

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