Контрпик clinkz


Tar Bomb

Death Pact

Skeleton Walk

Древо талантов

Дополнительная атака от Tar Bomb

This is the best initiation/pushing ability ever, just press Q and BA!, A ton of attack speed right there!

Good for making quick escapes early, I usually don’t gank that much as clinkz. But if you do, feel free to add more points to this earlier.

Use this on the strongest jungle creep you can find for tasty stats.

Начальные предметы

Use this if you go >100 HP.

Use these when needed.

Builds into Aquila later.

Sell these for space later.

Ранняя игра

I usually get Aquila before boots.

Gives well needed mana reg and damage. Remember to turn it of if you’re not pushing.

Основные предметы

Buy these instead of Phase because of your stealth going away when phasing, else Phase boots would be a better choice.

The very core item for Clinkz, the silence is amazing for shutting down casters 1v1 and the mana reg is epic.

Gives really good evasion and damage. For Clinkz the attack speed isn’t really needed though.

The crits are amazing when surprising with E-Q combo.

По ситуации

Good against high armor heroes, i.e Dragonknight. Also a really good and cheap damage item.

Good against evasion carries, Phanthom assassin, Brewmaster, etc.

Only buy this if you really need the magic immunity (i.e getting permastunned).

Get this only if you feel you won’t give it away.

A good choice if you can afford to build for it.

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