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Like an enchanting gem, a magical and empowering item that bestows your hero with a unique and additional ability!

Basic Item | Consumables

With origins known only to a single wizard, fragments of this impossible crystal are nearly as coveted as the renowned scepter itself.

Like an enchanting gem, a magical and empowering item that bestows your hero with a unique and additional ability!

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Aghanim’s Shard с самого момента своего появления в игре – один из игрообразующих предметов для огромного множества героев. Некоторым он дает совсем мало, а некоторым чуть ли не автоматически выигрывает игру. В ожидании The International 2023 обсудим самые мощные шарды нынешнего патча!

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Что делает? Увеличивает урон за единицу маны, сожженной EMP, и притягивает врагов к центру действия со скоростью 175 единиц в секунду.

EMP на нынешнем QW-Инвокере – очень сильное заклинание даже без шарда. С ним урон увеличивается ровно в полтора раза – с 60% до 90%. Только это само по себе уже очень и очень сильно, а ведь осколок дает намного больше. Притягивание к центру с такой же скоростью, как у аганимного Блэк Хола Энигмы, – чудовищно мощно. Сбежать из этой способности почти невозможно. Особенно с нынешним багом, на который недавно пожаловался Артизи: если использовать EMP на героя в уже нажатом БКБ, то притягивание не сработает, но если нажать БКБ после начала EMP, то героя продолжит тянуть к центру. 1400 золота дают какой-то неадекватный буст.

5 имб Доты, которых нужно нерфить перед Интом

Огромный слив файлов в Доте. Замена БП и очередной намек на Паппет Мастера


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Aghanim’s Shard as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.


Что делает? Дарует способность Depth Shroud. Герой создает в указанной области облако, которое скрывает союзников и применяет на них эффект способности Shadow Dance.

Шард Сларка уже давно один из самых приятных в игре. Мы получаем второй ультимейт, который еще и применяется на союзников всего лишь за 1400 золота. Помимо всего прочего, он сейвит людей в Дуэли и Хроносфере – главное самому туда не попасться. Благодаря этому шарду теоретически может работать даже Сларк-саппорт – и Сакса его уже показывал. Шикарный предмет, тем более за столь маленькие деньги.


Что делает? Увеличивает длительность Primal Split и позволяет прервать ее в любой момент.

32 секунды Primal Split с возможностью сложиться в любой момент – сильный перебор. Тоби в квалах на Инт четко показал, каким мучениям подвергаются враги, если Панда находится в умелых руках. У героя может не быть ни одного предмета, кроме шарда, и он все равно устроит противникам дискотеку из спеллов в файте. За невероятные 32 секунды можно выиграть любой тимфайт чуть ли не в соло, а потом сложиться в любом духе, которого вы отвели в безопасное место. Может стоит понерфить хотя бы длительность?

Itemization Strategy

Mainly taken as early as it is available, it is for everyone no matter the role!

Heroes with Aghanim’s Shard as Core Item

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Abaddon

A core item that boosts your damage output through Mist Coil.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ancient Apparition

A core item to improve your impact in teamfights with an added stun on Ice Blast impact.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Axe

An occasional upgrade after your core items that pairs well with the talent tree for Battlehunger and gives you a burst of movement speed. Can be used multiple times on an enemy

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Batrider

A core item that adds to your damage output through right clicks.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bloodseeker

A core item that improves your damage output and HP sustain through right clicks.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bounty Hunter

A core item that lets you make one of your allies invisible and make your whole team a bigger kill threat on the map. The allied invisible hero also gets a stun on their first hit.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Brewmaster

A core item to improve your teamfighting with Primal Split.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bristleback

A core item to increase your AoE damage and slow with more Viscous Nasal Goo and Quill Spray stacks.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Broodmother

A core item that increases your damage output and lifesteal during Insatiable Hunger.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Centaur Warrunner

A core item that increases your damage output, tankiness and slowing the enemies.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Chen

A core item that allows you to take ancient creeps with Holy Persuasion. The ancients are much more powerful than normal creeps in terms of auras, HP, damage, and abilities.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Clinkz

A core item to gain the Burning Barrage ability to clear creep waves in an instant and do massive damage in an area.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Clockwerk

A core item that improves your vision and mobility in teamfights.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Crystal Maiden

A repositioning tool that gives you more mobility and lockdown in fights, as well as helping you clear waves without having to stay and last hit.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dark Willow

A core item to improve Cursed Crown to trigger it faster and have extra AoE control with Brambles.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dawnbreaker

Support: A late game pick up to help you transition into a damage dealer with Starbreaker.

Offlane: A core item that grants allows you to become spell immune during Starbreaker and ensure you do your full damage in fights.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dazzle

A core item that provides extra control in fights with Poison Touch. Works incredibly well to deal with basic illusions as hex clears them instantly.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Death Prophet

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Earth Spirit

A core upgrade that allows you to cast Geomagnetic Grip on allies as a save.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Earthshaker

A core item to reduce Fissure cooldown and walk through it for unobstructed pathing. Also improves the lockdown on all your spells to keep applying Aftershock around Fissure.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Elder Titan

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ember Spirit

A core item that adds to your damage output and allows you to snowball in the fights with extra Fire Remnants on kills.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Enchantress

A core item that greatly improves your damage output and wave clear ability with multiple Impetus shots.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Enigma

A core item to have more Eidolons when you cast Malefice to do more damage and have better split push potential.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Faceless Void

A core item to improve your mobility with Time Walk. Lets you get in and out of fights easily.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Grimstroke

A core upgrade for Ink Swell to heal and instantly dispel disables and silences on your cores.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Gyrocopter

A core upgrade to Homing Missile for massive burst potential on enemy heroes with a secondary Rocket Barrage.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Hoodwink

A core item to boost your magic damage burst with spells on enemies hit by the Boomerang.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Invoker

A core item that controls enemy heroes in an area and makes it hard for them to avoid getting their mana burnt.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Io

A core item to gain spell lifesteal and slow resistance for yourself and your Tethered ally. Improves the survivability of your Tethered core in fights.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Jakiro

A core item that adds to your control and damage output with Liquid Fire on attacks. Works on buildings as well. Goes well with your level 10 talent.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Keeper of the Light

A core item to provide even more healing for yourself and your allies with Illuminate during Spirit Form.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Kunkka

A core item for extra damage and control on enemy heroes. Lets you reposition enemies closer to or away from your team.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Legion Commander

A core upgrade that gives you more damage off Duel wins. Also increases Overwhelming Odds radius when Duelling.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lich

A core item for extra control in teamfights and have potential to burst a secluded enemy hero with Chain Frost.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lina

Mid: A core item that increases your spell damage with Fiery Soul stacks. If the stun lock isn’t necessary at the beginning, look to initiate with Laguna Blade to have maximum spell amplification on your other spells if you have the Thermal Runaway facet.

Support: A core item to increase your spell damage with Fiery Soul stacks. If the stun lock isnt necessary at the beginning, look to initiate with Laguna Blade to have maximum spell amplification on your other spells if you have the Thermal Runaway facet.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lion

A core item to drain the mana of multiple units and gain debuff immunity while channeling Mana Drain in fights to avoid most disables. Works well to instantly clear multiple illusions.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lone Druid

A core item on your hero to have a dispel as well as movement and attack speed buffs for your team with Savage Roar. The Shard on your Spirit Bear is a late game pick up that helps as another form of lockdown to bring an enemy hero closer to your team.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lycan

An incredible pick up to ensure all your lanes continue to push towards the enemy base.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Magnus

A core item that improves your damage output and control with Shockwave. Particularly useful to clear creep waves extremely fast.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Marci

A core upgrade for Rebound to improve your mobility when no allies are around. Lets you solo kill enemy heroes with a stun.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Meepo

A core item that gives you a survivability tool on all Meepo clones when they are low on HP.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Mirana

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Morphling

A core item that prevents you from getting chain-stunned to death as it allows you to shift attributes when stunned to survive fights.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Muerta

A core item to gain some HP sustain through lifesteal during Pierce the Veil and increase the damage output of all your spells with the spell amplification buff attained with kills during your ultimate. You also gain all the spell amp from Pierce the Veil kills before getting the Aghanims Shard.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Nature's Prophet

A core item for some extra damage and primarily for vision on enemy heroes caught in the AoE.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Necrophos

A core item to close the gap on a target enemy or ally. Lets you farm much faster and do more damage in teamfights in combination with Death Pulse.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Nyx Assassin

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ogre Magi

A core item to make yourself and your cores significantly more tanky against right click damage from enemy heroes with Fire Shield.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Oracle

A core item that gives you another healing and damage tool in an area. Works well against high HP regen on enemy heroes to reduce their tankiness and burst them down quickly.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pangolier

A core to stop in place and turn during Rolling Thunder to chain stun enemy heroes. Also makes you debuff immune to avoid most disables and silences on the enemy team and roll away when attacked. Lets you cast Rolling Thunder without fear of interruption.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phoenix

A core item that allows you to use Sun Ray during Supernova. Lets you do more damage during your ultimate and improves the survival chances of your egg with the miss chance from your innate on affected enemy heroes.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Primal Beast

A core item to have another long range disable on enemy heroes with Rock Throw. Also lets you clear creep waves safely and reliably.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pudge

A core item that lowers the cooldown of Dismember, and allows you to save allies with your ultimate and let them turn the fight from low HP.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pugna

A core item that lets you stay back in teamfights and do damage with Life Drain through your Nether Ward. Works well against basic illusions to kill all of them instantly around your Nether Ward with Life Drain.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Queen of Pain

A core item to increase your AoE damage and control with Blink. Lets you clear creep waves much faster and get on top of enemy heroes to burst them in the silence duration. Also helps with escaping as the damage and silence can prevent enemy heroes from chasing you.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Razor

A core item that lets you stay on top of enemy heroes with Static Link without relying on your slow from Plasma Field.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Riki

A core item that prevents enemy heroes stuck in Smoke from getting help by their teammates with a Force Staff.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Rubick

A core item to reposition yourself or an ally in trouble with Telekinesis. Also gives you the Aghanims Shard upgrade on stolen spells.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Sand King

A core item that increases your damage output with Epicenter. Also improves your impact in teamfights while Epicenter is on cooldown.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Shadow Demon

A core item to have a save for your allies with dispel and heal. Upgrades to two charges with the Aghanims Scepter.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Shadow Fiend

A core item to reduce the cooldown on Shadowraze every time you hit an enemy hero with the spell and have it available again sooner to do more damage.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Shadow Shaman

A core upgrade that allows you to channel Shackles from further away and spawn four snakes to attack the disabled target or clear creep waves safely and reliably.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Silencer

A core item to increase both the permanent and temporary intelligence steal through Glaives of Wisdom.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Skywrath Mage

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Slardar

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Slark

A core upgrade that gives you another survivability tool with Depth Shroud. Has a similar effect as Shadow Dance and also lets you save allied heroes. Lets you interrupt certain enemy initiations like Duel or Berserkers Call.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Snapfire

A core upgrade that adds more burst damage to your Firesnap Cookie.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Sniper

A core item that provides you the ability to disengage and open a gap between yourself and enemy heroes using Concussive Grenade.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Spirit Breaker

A core item to increase the Charge speed to do more damage and improve your initiation.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Techies

A core item to protect one of your cores against physical damage through disarm and let them be more fearless in teamfights.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Tidehunter

A core item to have another form of lockdown on enemy heroes with Dead in the Water and have more versatility with Ravage usage. Works particularly well against elusive enemy heroes, such as Ember Spirit.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Tiny

A core item to have infinite hit counts on Tree Grab and always dish out your maximum right click damage. Also improves your damage output through Tree Throw.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Treant Protector

A core upgrade that adds to mobility and control by making you invisible near trees as well as your Natures Grasp. Also gives you more movement speed when invisible.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Tusk

A core upgrade of Ice Shards to have more AoE damage and control in fights. Also lets you clear creep waves from a distance without having to commit with Snowball.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Underlord

A core upgrade for Firestorm that increases your AoE damage with more waves and lets you keep Firestorm on top of enemy heroes while you chase them. Goes well with Firestorm talents.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Undying

A core item that gives you a save for yourself or an ally with Tombstone. Works well against single target initiations such as Duel.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ursa

A core item to have Enrage with every Earthshock cast to make it more difficult for enemy heroes to get away from you or lock you down. Gives more versatility with Enrage usage. The Enrage duration from the spell and Earthshock stack additively.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Vengeful Spirit

A core item that lets Magic Missile bounce and hit a second target. Massively improves your damage and control in teamfights. Has great synergy with all the Magic Missile talents.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Venomancer

A core item to damage and stun enemy heroes who dispel Venomous Gale with Lotus Orb, BKB, or another debuff immunity spell.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Viper

A core upgrade of Poison Attack to deal more damage to enemy heroes and buildings with minus armor. Also helps you take Roshan faster.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Visage

A defensive upgrade that makes you invulnerable for a short duration and heal up to turn the fight from low HP. Also stuns around your landing spot upon cast.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Warlock

A core item to spawn imps with Upheaval to do more damage in teamfights as well as clear creep waves from a distance.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Weaver

A core item to improve your damage output on enemy heroes and creeps you pass through with Shukuchi to hit them with Geminate Attack. Lets you clear creep waves in an instant and have incredible split push potential.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Windranger

A core item that gives you a massive area of control against enemy heroes and push them towards or away from you with Gale Force.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Winter Wyvern

A core upgrade for Cold Embrace to increase your AoE spell damage output for fighting and farming. Lets you clear creep waves quickly by healing an allied creep and using Splinter Blast on enemy creeps.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Witch Doctor

A core item to have another short duration Death Ward while keeping yourself safe from damage and disables. Lets you dodge stuns and high damage projectiles.

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Zeus

A core item to improve your damage output and farming speed with Arc Lightning on right clicks. Goes extremely well with Yasha and Kaya for high damage Arc Lightning on attacks.


A fascinating trivia about Aghanim’s Shard in Dota 2 revolves around its introduction and integration into the game during the 7.28 patch.


Passive: Ability Upgrade

Upgrades an existing ability or adds a new ability to your hero.

Additional Insights

From the versatility and strategic value, It provides heroes with an opportunity to diversify their skill sets, adapt to various situations, and surprise opponents with unexpected tactics.

Nature’s Prophet

Что делает? Дарует способность Curse of the Oldgrowth: Накладывает сглаз на всех вражеских героев в радиусе 1200: они становятся видны в тумане войны, замедляются и получают периодический урон, зависящий от числа деревьев в радиусе 250. Энты считаются деревьями.

Имбовый Фурион-саппорт, который постоянно спамит Спрутами. Очень уж сильно хочет получить шард. Урон, исходящий от героя, увеличивается чересчур сильно. Только вдумайтесь: герой, закрытый в Sprout, получает страшные 960 урона за полную длительность. Еще и враги раскрываются в тумане войны – аналогичной способности в игре просто не существует. И это за 1400 золота? Безумие.

Troll Warlord

Что делает? Увеличивает максимальное число эффектов Fervor на 4 и дает владельцу шанс совершить дополнительную атаку дальнего боя по случайному врагу в радиусе атаки + 175. Шанс дополнительной атаки: 20% + 3% за эффект Fervor.

Новый шард Тролля по сути дает ему Аганим Гирокоптера на минималках. Но с одной важной поправкой – с колоссальной скоростью атаки от 16 стаков Fervor дополнительные топорики будут вылетать намного чаще. Шанс 20% + 3% только на бумаге выглядит не слишком большим. На самом деле он увеличивает урон больше, чем в полтора раза – с 16 стаками пассивки шанс прока становится аж 68%. Сложно придумать больший буст урона, когда герой уже имеет несколько сильных слотов.

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