Refraction Dota

Refraction dota

Refraction is a defensive ability that belongs to the character Templar Assassin in Dota 2, the popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Valve Corporation. The ability grants the character a shield that absorbs a certain amount of damage, as well as granting bonus damage to the next attack she makes. Refraction is considered one of Templar Assassin’s trademark abilities and is a vital part of her playstyle and strategy in the game.

Refraction is an active ability that can be activated at any time, allowing the player to use it both offensively and defensively. The ability grants Templar Assassin a shield that absorbs up to 6 instances of damage from attacks or spells, with each instance doing up to 80/120/160/200 damage. The shield lasts for up to 17 seconds and can be refreshed if it is destroyed or expires.

In addition to the shield, Refraction also grants Templar Assassin a bonus of up to 20/40/60/80 damage on her next attack. This bonus damage can be devastating in combat, especially when combined with her other abilities and items. It also makes it easier for her to last hit and farm creeps, which is crucial in gaining gold and experience in the game.

Refraction’s primary strength lies in its defensive capabilities. The shield provided by the ability can significantly reduce the amount of damage that Templar Assassin takes from enemy attacks and spells. This makes her harder to kill and allows her to survive in fights for longer periods of time. In addition, the ability also provides a degree of mobility, as Templar Assassin can use it to run away from danger or position herself for a better attack.

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Offensively, Refraction can be used to deal significant amounts of damage to enemy heroes and structures. The bonus damage provided by the ability can be used to harass enemy heroes, bring down their health, and push enemy structures more efficiently. This can be particularly effective when combined with Templar Assassin’s other abilities and items, such as Meld and Blink Dagger.

Refraction can be extremely useful when playing Templar Assassin, but it also requires careful use and timing. The ability has a long cooldown of 17 seconds, which can leave Templar Assassin vulnerable if it is activated at the wrong time. Players must also be aware of when the shield provided by the ability is about to expire or is close to being destroyed, as they will need to activate it again to stay protected.

In conclusion, Refraction is a powerful ability that adds significant value to the character Templar Assassin in Dota 2. It grants her defensive capabilities, offensive strength, and increased mobility in combat. However, it requires careful use and timing to be effective, and players must be aware of its cooldown and shield duration to stay protected in battle. Overall, Refraction is a key component of Templar Assassin’s playstyle and is essential for any player looking to master this hero in Dota 2.

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