Роман «Resolut1on» Фоминок — профессиональный игрок в Dota 2.
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- «Team Secret signs Resolut1on, releases iceiceice from Dota 2 roster». 2022-08-03.
- Dota2TI Highlight Clip from Twitch
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Roman «Resolut1on» Fominok is a Ukrainian offlaner playing for Virtus.pro. Resolut1on, also known as Reso, started playing on organized teams in 2013 and started impressing the world right away with Team Empire. He became known as a top carry player to look out for, but his reputation took off when he joined Digital Chaos in 2016. Digital Chaos finished second at The International 2016, and Resolut1on’s carry play was one of the stand out performances at that tournament.
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