
Dota Дота


Cannot be dispelled

Discharges high-powered shrapnel at random nearby enemy units, dealing minor magical damage and ministun. Deals double damage to creeps.

Remains active if Clockwerk is disabled.

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Some of Rattletrap’s contraptions don’t quite work correctly, so detonating them proves useful as an offensive maneuver.

Forms a barrier of energized cogs around Clockwerk, trapping any units that are near. Allies in the cogs when they are created receive a magic damage barrier. Enemies outside the trap that touch a cog are knocked back, losing health and mana. Once a cog has delivered a shock, it will power down. Cogs can be destroyed by enemy attacks, but Clockwerk can destroy them with just one.

Cogs can shock invisible units.

One of Clockwerk’s inventions of which he is most proud is the power cog — though it is sometimes despised by his allies.

Fires a global range flare that explodes over a given area. Upon impact, enemies in the area take damage and are briefly slowed. Rocket flare provides vision over the impact area for seconds.

What started as a festive display has become a useful scouting and bombardment tool.

Supercharges Clockwerks abilities: Battery Assault affects all enemies in its range; Clockwerk’s attack speed in Power Cogs is increased; Rocket Flares have a reduced cooldown and fire additional rockets to either side of the target; Hookshot stun radius and duration is increased; Jetpack moves faster. Clockwerk becomes stunned after the duration runs out.







Rattletrap understands the limitations of his armor. Just as he understands the risks of pushing past them in times of need.

Clockwerk activates a jetpack, gaining flying movement, flying vision, and bonus movement speed. Clockwerk has a severely-limited turn rate during this time and cannot attack. Jetpack is cancelled upon casting Hookshot.

Strong Dispels Only

Hookshot will latch and take Clockwerk to allies, but not damage or disable them.

A somewhat unwieldy device, the Hookshot sends the otherwise clunky Clockwerk armor flying through the air.

Главная / Каталог игр / Dota 2 / Clockwerk / Гайд по герою Clockwerk

Dota 2 — Гайд по герою Clockwerk (Клокверк)


является одним из лучших инициаторов боя в Dota 2, так как способен прыгнуть на врага с расстояния в 3000 и затем быстро с ним расправиться. Сам по себе герой является очень живучим. Это связано не только с тем, что его основной характеристикой является «сила», но еще и с его великолепным набором умений. Благодаря умениям Клокверк может играть крайне агрессивно и легко наказывать врагов, которые просто в одиночку решили пофармить.


— барьер из шестеренок по сути является основным умением контроля Клокверка. На максимальном уровне барьер стоит 8 секунд и врагу надо сделать целых 3 удара для того, чтобы сломать и выбраться из западни. Может показаться, что 2-3 удара это не так и много, но если в этот момент враг постоянно оглушается с помощью , то сделать это будет далеко непросто. Во время атаки барьер используется для того, чтобы быстро заключать врага в ловушку (например сразу после использования ульта). Даже если противник ломает стенку барьера и пытается бежать, на все это у него уходит очень много времени, а Клокверк все это время стоит рядом и атакует. Другими словами выбравшись из западни обычно враг уже далеко не убегает. Использование данной способности является очень ответственным моментом, так как вместо того, чтобы заключить врага в ловушку, вы можете просто оттолкнуть его в сторону и он убежит. Помимо убийства, способность может быть использована для того, чтобы постоянно харасить врага на линии. Например можно активировать барьер в тот момент когда враг подходит ближе и пытается добить крипа. Оттолкнув его назад, вы лишаете его возможности добить крипа и ему придется стоять в отдалении, чтобы снова не получить урон и не потерять часть маны. Стоит отметить, что отталкивание срабатывает даже на невидимых врагов. Например с помощью этой способности можно пододвинуть в сторону героя , которая ушла в невидимость с помощью . Также с помощью отталкивания можно разделить команду противника и например отрезать 1 врага от основной команды и дать вашим союзникам возможность быстро его убить. When an enemy hits a barrier and is then knocked back, it even knocks down trees in its path. And of course, the ability can be effectively used in order to safely run away from enemies. To do this, Clockwerk only needs to put up a barrier, break one wall with one blow and run back. Enemies will have to run around the barrier, and then, very often, they still stumble upon it and are thrown aside. Finally, it is worth clarifying that the barrier closes the passage to absolutely all units. If for example you enclose your creeps in a barrier, then they will stand inside until the barrier disappears. The ability can be applied in various situations and has a huge number of options for use. The disadvantages include only the difficulty in applying the skill and the fact that the ability does not work on enemies with immunity to magic.

— Clockwerk’s missile can be fired at absolutely any point in the location. At the same time, the rocket flight speed is 1750. In addition to its direct purpose, that is, causing AOE damage, the rocket can also be used as a very good reconnaissance method. With a small amount of mana, Clockwerk can use it quite often and thus shine through potential enemy locations (forest, Roshan, different lanes). Considering that the hero himself can gank enemies very well, the ability to highlight key areas of the map is very important. It is worth noting that the rocket gives visibility not only at the place of its explosion, but also during the flight, which is also very important. With the rocket, Clockwerk can also assist his allies in other lanes if they get into combat or even deal damage to enemies already fleeing. Also, the missile can be used to last hit the creeps in the lane or even push the lanes a bit while your team is moving in the other side, for example. By constantly launching missiles and damaging creeps, you thereby give an advantage to your creeps and they will attack enemy buildings over and over again. The last thing a rocket can be used for is blocking the spawning of neutrals in the forest. Very often, Clockwerk is on the lane and of course the enemy team will pull back and Clockwerk will lose part of the experience due to the fact that the creeps will die in the forest. That’s it for this situation to bother you less and rockets are used to block the appearance of creeps. At the time of the explosion, the rocket illuminates the area and if this place is a clearing with neutral creeps, then they simply will not appear. Of course, this method is very complicated, since you need to accurately time the launch of the rocket and this time will depend on where you are. For example, if you are standing at the very first tower in the lane and want to block the spawning of neutrals, then the rocket needs to be fired at about 57 seconds. Of course, this value is relative and first of all you need to try and practice many times. If the enemy does not make withdrawals, then of course you don’t need to launch rockets so as not to waste mana.

Below we will look at the main groups of heroes that Clockwerk will be very comfortable with and groups of enemies that he will easily kill.


Clockwerk can make lightning fast ganks and, accordingly, it will be beneficial for him to play with allies who can quickly move around the map and help him kill enemies. Such heroes include, for example: Queen of Pain, or. Separately, I would like to note the hero. Thanks to his ult, Naix can climb into Clockwerk and together they will simply tear enemies apart in a matter of seconds. At the same time, after using the ult, it’s better for Clockwork not to even use the ability, since Naix’s slowdown and Clockwerk’s constant stun will be enough to quickly kill the enemy and prevent him from escaping.

Heroes that pair well with Clockwerk’s ability set

Thanks to his abilities, Clockwerk can keep the target in one place for some time. Thanks to this, Clockwerk can act not only as a good initiator, but also greatly simplifies the use of the abilities of some other heroes. A good example of combinations would be the following heroes: , , , , or . For example, locking an enemy with Clockwerk can give you the ability to use Sunstrike from anywhere in the map and thus greatly help you in killing the enemy. Similarly , with a permanent stun or ult , Clockwerk can hold off even a few enemies and allow the hero to accurately use his ult , the hero to accurately use his arrow , or to use the hero ‘s ult more effectively .

Carry heroes with ranged attack

Clockwerk can work effectively with a ranged carry for several reasons. Firstly, being a very aggressive hero who is constantly looking for ganks, Clockwerk creates a situation on the map that makes it very difficult for enemies to play aggressively, as they will be afraid of death at the hands of Clockwerk. In this way, your allies will be able to farm more comfortably and quickly buy key artifacts. Secondly, during the fight, Clockwerk keeps the enemies in one place and does not allow them to move, this allows your ranged carries to calmly attack them and not be afraid that the enemy will attack them. For example, together with Clockwerk, such heroes as: , , , , or are perfect for the team.


Now let’s look at a few groups of enemy heroes that Clockwerk will find the easiest to play against.

Heroes with low health and no ability to quickly escape

Due to his set of abilities, Clockwerk can very quickly kill an enemy with a small amount of health, which at the same time does not have any mechanisms for a quick escape. For example, Clockwork will solo very quickly kill such heroes as: , , , , , or .

Heroes that have a long cast animation

Thanks to the ability, Clockwerk can permanently stun enemies and prevent them from using abilities that have a long casting animation. Also, this same ability will be extremely effective against heroes that have powerful abilities that last for some time. For example, Clockwerk will easily counter heroes such as: , , , , or .

Heroes with low attack range that cannot avoid damage from

Heroes that have a melee attack or generally have a short attack range in combat should get close to their enemies and in this case Clockwerk with its stun and barrier is perfect. A permanent stun will reduce the effectiveness of such heroes very much and they will not be able to deal damage normally. Such heroes include: , , , , , or . All of these heroes have no way to quickly escape from the effect of constant stuns and Clockwerk can easily trap them. Even with magic immunity in their arsenal (for example, BKB), enemies will not be able to completely ignore Clockwerk, since he can use his ult, which ignores immunity.

Split pushers

Like most gankers, Clockwerk can be an effective hero against enemies that specialize in split-pushing. It is worth noting here that Clockwerk is still not the best hero for such purposes, since usually split pushers have some very good abilities that give mobility or rely on their illusions. In other words, it is still desirable for Clockwerk to be helped by his allies, otherwise he may simply not have enough potential to pursue the enemy. The most effective Clockwerk can be against such split-pushers as: , , or .

Initiators who actively use

In Clockwerk’s arsenal there is such a wonderful ability as . Thanks to this skill, Clock can scout out a place in advance that could potentially contain a powerful enemy initiator. If at the same time the rocket detects the enemy and deals damage to him, then your team has the opportunity to calmly attack the enemy, since the initiator will not be able to quickly break into the battle due to the fact that his artifact went to recharge. Constant illumination of the area can be a key point in the game of Clock, as a pre-detected initiator will not be a surprise for your team and you can easily counter him. For example, Clockwerk can effectively play against heroes such as: , , or .

Of course, each hero has his own weaknesses due to which he cannot withstand certain groups of enemies. Below we will look at the most dangerous opponents for Clockwerk.

Heroes summoning illusions or any creatures

The Clockwerk is perfect for controlling single targets and it can do next to nothing against a large cluster of enemies. Heroes that cause illusions or any creatures will quickly deal with Clockwerk and, with all their desire, Clockwork will not be able to focus his attention on the desired target. For example, Clockwerk will find it extremely difficult to play against such heroes as: , , , , , or .

Strong lane heroes with ranged attacks

Playing against enemies who clearly dominate the lane and constantly harass with their ranged attacks is very difficult for Clockwerk. Any approach of him in order to activate any of his abilities will be very obvious and the enemy will simply kite you and prevent you from getting too close. For example, it will be very difficult for Clock to lane against: , , or Queen of Pain.

Heroes with the ability to quickly escape from the trap

In almost all cases of attack, one of the most effective ways to keep the enemy in place is to use . Unfortunately, this ability can not hold all enemies. For example, heroes such as: Queen of Pain, , or can easily jump out of the trap and continue the fight as if nothing had happened. If you are playing against such heroes, then it is better to use it in such a way that it does not lock the enemy inside, but only touches him with the edge of the barrier and pushes him aside. For example, if you throw the enemy in the direction of your allies in this way, then there is every chance that they will quickly kill him using some control skills.

High Health Heroes

Clock in general deals a fixed amount of damage due to his abilities and auto attacks, and if he does not have enough damage to solo kill the enemy, then he immediately has big problems. Clock is not a carry hero and over time his auto-attacks do not become more powerful, which means that later it will be extremely difficult to kill fat heroes. Picking Clock against a team with a lot of fat heroes is simply not profitable, as you won’t be able to dominate early on and the longer the game goes on, the less you’ll be useful. Thick characters include: , , , , or . It is worth noting that against and Clockwerk can do something due to his stun, namely, turn it on in time and prevent the enemy from using abilities, otherwise it is difficult for Clockwork to resist these heroes at a later stage of the game.

Separately, it is also worth noting, which, due to its pushes, will greatly spoil the game of Clockwerk and may eventually reduce all your efforts to zero. You can also mention , which, with competent actions, will tear Klok apart in a matter of seconds and prevent him from standing on the line normally.

Clockwork item assembly can be very diverse. Regardless of the hero’s solo potential, Clockwerk can buy a huge amount of team items or, on the contrary, dress in a good tank and be more aggressive. Be that as it may, the purchase of artifacts is primarily determined by the current situation in the game and the composition of the enemy team, so you need to be guided by this.

Initial purchase

Of the consumables, Clockwerk simply needs it, and since he will receive damage on the line in any case, it is very important to constantly have his health pool at the maximum level. It’s also good to use . Additional mana regen will allow you to use abilities more often. Considering that Clockwerk mostly plays in the offensive lane, for better survivability in the early stages of the game, he simply needs to have Boots of Speed. Depending on what kind of artifacts you are going to buy in the future, you can also take Gauntlets of Strength at the start. The remaining money is best spent on a couple.

Main subjects

First of all, I want to draw your attention to the main items of Clockwerk. These artifacts are bought in most cases and will be the most effective.

— due to a good damage bonus, these boots will make it easier for Clockwerk to finish off creeps in the lane, and a short-term increase in movement speed will make it possible to quickly run up to the enemy and, for example, use or . The disadvantage of these boots is that they do not increase the hero’s survivability at all, and the attack bonus will not increase the hero’s overall DPS much due to the low attack speed. It is most profitable to buy Phases when you are in a lane against one enemy and want to be more aggressive.

— these boots significantly increase Clockwerk’s survivability, which is extremely important for him, since he often enters the battle first and takes a lot of damage. The extra attack speed will also come in very handy, as Clockwork will have time to land a few extra hits while the enemy is under the effect of . Among other things, switching boots to intelligence will allow you to slightly increase mana regen and, for example, use missiles more often.

— due to the fact that Clockwerk participates in most battles, he will very quickly gain charges for his magic wand and thereby constantly restore part of his health and mana.

— the bottle can be used for Clockwerk not only if he goes to the central lane, but also to the complex lane. Periodic selection of runes will allow you to constantly restore health and mana and Clock will be able to use his abilities much more often.

Urn of Shadows — an urn is useful for almost any ganker and Clockwerk is no exception in this sense. The artifact gives a good bonus of strength and mana regen and allows you to restore some of your health. Given that Clock constantly spends time looking for a victim and attacks very often, using an urn will be extremely beneficial.

— Clockwerk is a very aggressive hero who very often keeps enemies close to him during an attack and the ability to return some of the incoming damage back to the enemy will be very useful. There are actually a lot of opportunities for using the artifact, especially when it comes to large team battles. The enemy will always be faced with a choice, attack you and take damage, or just wait and watch you kill him.

— this artifact is very important for Clockwerk, as it allows you to quickly push the hero out of action. Of course, in most cases, Clock is inside the barrier or can easily break the wall and run away, but there are situations when there is simply no such possibility (break the wall with an auto attack) and a flurry of enemy abilities falls on you. In this case, the artifact will be useful. Also, the use of an artifact will allow you to quickly catch up with an enemy who, for example, managed to escape from under the action. In addition, the item will slightly increase mana regeneration, and for Clock it is also important for frequent use of abilities.

— Aghanim improves Clockwerk’s ult, namely, it significantly reduces the cooldown (from 40 to 12 seconds). The low cooldown allows you to use your ult more than once per fight, for example to initiate and then CC. After buying Aghanim, Clockwerk can play even more aggressively and use ult much more often, even take risks. By itself, the artifact increases the main characteristics of the hero, as well as increases the maximum supply of health and mana.

Situational Items

— Arcane clocks are rarely bought and usually only if your team needs this item, but there is no one to take it. Arcana is also suitable if you buy team artifacts and plan to take . If you play according to the standard scheme, then it is better to avoid buying this artifact.

— if you are going to play very aggressively from the very beginning of the game, then choosing this item will be a reasonable decision, especially if you took Gauntlets of Strength during the initial purchase.

Ring of Basilius — with the help of Basil you can increase Clockwerk’s armor, and this will never be superfluous, as well as significantly increase mana regen and, for example, you can spam missiles more often. Also, the armor bonus redirected to your creeps can allow you to push lanes more efficiently.

— if your team has carry heroes with melee attacks and you bought at the beginning of Ring of Basilius, then buying Vladmir can be a good decision, as you will give your allies an excellent aura of vampirism, which will significantly increase survivability in team fights . Also, Vladmir makes it much easier for your team to kill Roshan and get a good advantage.

— Meka is bought for Clockwerk only in those cases when there is no one to take it, and you want to increase the pushing potential of your team and your own tank qualities. The item is extremely situational and is extremely rare for Clock. Mek can make sense, but only in an exceptional situation.

— it makes sense to take this artifact only if you had a successful start and want to increase your pressure and start an even more aggressive game. Early purchase of an artifact will allow you to survive even in the most difficult situations. It should be understood that it is suitable only in some cases and it’s not worth buying it just like that, especially if you don’t do it right away. Buying an item late will be of little use, since you will not notice significant help from the block.

— for its price, the Halberd gives a lot of things. Firstly, the artifact significantly increases Clockwerk’s survivability and increases his damage. Secondly, activating the Halberd allows you to disarm the enemy (prevents the enemy from using auto attacks). It is most profitable to buy this artifact if you are the initiator and you clearly lack survivability, and besides, the enemy team also has a powerful carry hero specializing in auto-attacks.

Pipe of Insight — Pipe of Insight purchase is usually conditioned by the fact that magic damage obviously prevails in the enemy team. With the help of a tube, you can give your allies extra protection against magic and you yourself will withstand much more magic damage.

Late Game Items

Black King Bar — The most effective BKB will be against a team with a lot of magic damage. Immunity to magic will not only extend the life of Clockwerk, but will also make it possible to move more freely around the battlefield and use their abilities. The disadvantage of the artifact is that once Clockwerk activates magic immunity, the enemy team will be forced to attack your allies and thus you can put them at risk. Thus, if your allies have a low health reserve, and at the same time you can safely survive the enemy’s procast, then it’s better not to take the BKB, but to act as a tank.

— if you want to increase your initiatory potential, then buying Shiva can be a good solution. You can use the artifact while using the ult. Thus, when you reach the goal, the ice ring will already be large enough and will hit more enemies. A large bonus to intelligence will allow you to use abilities much more often, and a unique aura will reduce the attack speed of enemies. In general, the item is very expensive and its purchase can only be justified if you use every plus of the artifact.

Heart of Tarrasque — if you have already bought all the main artifacts and you have a lot of money, then you can take this artifact and significantly increase Clockwerk’s maximum health. This will mainly help you survive those moments when you are the first to burst into the crowd or tank the enemy tower. Also, a good health regen will allow you to instantly restore full health after a battle. Also, the artifact will increase Clockwerk’s damage, but this is far from the most important thing for him. In general, the artifact is excellent, especially if you are the main initiator and tank in your team.

Examples of consecutive purchases of items

This variant is meant to get a Clockwerk with very good solo kill potential. If you clearly lack survivability or you see that the enemy team has powerful abilities, then you can increase your survivability by replacing it with , and the Urn of Shadows urn with .

Starting purchase

The second build option is rarely used and it is a set of artifacts that will help your team as well as possible. This assembly is suitable only for certain situations and should not be used by default.

Option 3 (Clockwork tank)

The last build option is a combination of aggressive play and good survivability. With this build, Clockwerk will be able to break into almost any crowd and survive even in the most difficult situations, allowing his allies to calmly engage in battle and receive less damage, since Clockwork will already absorb the main part.

In most cases, Clockwerk plays on the lane, since he needs a lot of experience in the early game and due to his set of skills, he can easily hold out even against a trilane and even farm a little. Below, of course, we will talk a little about other lines, but basically we will talk about the difficult line, since this is the most advantageous and correct position for this hero. You can also learn more about the complex lane from the article «Dota 2 — How to play solo on the complex lane (Solo Hard)».

Game start

Clockwerk’s attack animation speed is certainly not the best, but he has decent damage, which allows him to finish last hits quite easily, even if the enemy tries to interfere with you in every possible way. Even if Clockwork is up against a few enemies that prevent him from getting close to the creeps, the hero always has the opportunity to get at least some farm through the use of his missiles. It should be understood that the frequent use of rockets can lead to the fact that you start pushing the lane and end up without farm. In other words, it is worth using missiles only in some cases, and if it is possible to last hit the creeps with the help of an auto-attack, then it is better to use it. Besides the fact that Clockwerk can farm in the lane in the most difficult situations, he can also interfere with the farming of the enemy. It mostly refers to using the ability. If for example you see that a hero with a melee attack comes close and is going to finish off 1-2 creeps, then you can use the barrier in such a way as to push the enemy back and at the same time close the creeps so that the enemy cannot approach. Performing such a maneuver over and over again, you will noticeably worsen the farm of the enemy and deprive him of some of his mana.

Given that Clockwerk has a melee attack, it is quite difficult for him to harass the enemy in the lane. Clock mainly uses rockets and . It should be understood that each of these abilities has other uses, so you don’t need to spam them stupidly. Clockwerk can’t harass too much, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it.

Clockwerk’s strong point is his good killing potential. First of all, it is worth noting the ability, which, in fact, gives him the opportunity to calmly resist a huge number of heroes. This skill alone deals huge damage from the very first levels and allows Clock to kill enemies solo, especially if they are left alone (there are no other allies or creeps nearby). The main disadvantage of this ability is that you need to correctly seize the moment or cut off the enemy from your creeps, otherwise you won’t be able to deal much damage and therefore kill too. Most often, in order to isolate the enemy from creeps and give you the opportunity to calmly use and even auto-attack, the ability helps. Which of these skills to use first depends again on the situations and there is no exact scheme here. When Clockwerk reaches level 6 and he has an ult, the process of killing the enemy becomes much easier, since you can attack the enemy when, for example, he is standing at half health away from the creeps and does not even suspect that you are somewhere nearby. In fact, it is precisely due to the ult that Clockwerk has the opportunity to pick out enemies who stand apart from their allies and are thus a potential victim of Clockwork.

Difficult line (1 vs 3 or 1 vs 2)

Clockwerk is one of the best heroes for the lane. The main reason why Clock is so good in this lane is because of his unique skill set that allows him to defend and farm in difficult situations. The hard lane is ideal for Clock and the fact that he gains a lot of experience, which is extremely important for him in the first minutes of the game, in order to increase the level of basic abilities and upgrade his ult as soon as possible. In addition, Klokwerk can calmly kill the enemy, if he makes a mistake, if he is left alone without an ally and at the same time with an incomplete supply of health. Priority tasks for the complex line will be:

Let’s start with the fact that Clockwerk can trap not only heroes, but also creeps (their aliens). For example, if at the start of the game you block the passage and do not allow the creeps to go forward for 5 seconds, and the enemy does not block his creeps, then it may turn out that the creeps will meet near your tower and you will have the opportunity to farm from the very beginning and get experience with impunity. You can block creeps, for example, on the rise near the second tower. Here the passage is quite narrow and if you stand strictly in the middle, you can close the entire passage and the creeps will not be able to pass. In a pinch, you can always close a couple of creeps along with you and this will also allow enemy creeps to get closer to your tower and give you the opportunity to gain experience in peace. In addition to the fact that Clockwerk needs to constantly block his creeps, you also need to keep an eye on when the enemies are pulling. If, for example, you see that the next pack of enemy creeps has disappeared or only a part has arrived, then the enemies have begun to withdraw and it’s time to start using your missiles to prevent the appearance of neutral creeps that are close to the line. It should be understood that farming on the lane for Clockwerk is not the main task, but of course you need to use any opportunity for farming. Clock needs core items, as they will provide good survivability and regen, which Clock will simply not have enough in the beginning for frequent use of abilities. In some cases, when the enemies get desperate to kill you in the lane and start trying to pull, they will often leave their carry hero alone in the lane. If at the same time the carry himself makes a mistake and plays too carelessly, then Klok has the opportunity to take advantage of the mistake and even kill the enemy. At the same time, even if enemy supports come to the rescue, Clockwerk almost always has the opportunity to run away from danger using his abilities. Of course, until his main skills appear in Clockwerk’s arsenal, it is worth playing as carefully as possible and once again not stepping forward and taking risks. Due to the fact that Clock can regulate the position of creeps quite well, he can avoid unpleasant situations that other heroes in the lane cannot afford. As soon as you get level 6 and upgrade your ult, Clockwerk automatically turns into a powerful ganger and you can no longer stand on the line, but start actively moving around the map and looking for opportunities for a successful attack. Just a couple of successful runs will significantly change the course of the match, as the enemies will already start to play more cautiously and may have to change lineups in the lanes. For Clockwerk, this whole situation is extremely beneficial, since any movement of the enemy can give him the opportunity to find and kill some kind of stray hero. In addition, enemy carry heroes will no longer be able to calmly stand in the lane and will try to search for a solo farm, during which Clockwerk can also find and kill them. It is important to understand that Clock can gain experience against almost any trilane. The most important thing is to learn how to control the movement of creeps. If everything is done correctly, then you can get to level 6 quickly and do not lose the tower ahead of time.

Central Line (1v1)

It is worth mentioning right away that this position is a rare choice for Clockwork. It makes sense to put Clock in the center if, for example, you know for sure that a hero with a melee attack will play against you and the enemy will be able to harass you only with the help of abilities. Due to his abilities, Clockwerk can significantly worsen the farm of the enemy, and at the same time he will be able to get a lot of experience and gold. The main tasks for the center line look something like this:

Clockwerk can stand in the mid lane quite safely, as he can safely avoid almost any gank. The most important thing is not to get carried away, look at the map and stand on the line correctly. In general, the game on the central line is not much different from the complex line. The only difference is that you get the opportunity to farm more efficiently and periodically it is worth controlling the runes. Otherwise, you also block creeps, gain experience and gold and wait for the moment when the ult appears and you can start actively ganking different lanes.

Line with one ally

As in the case of the central line, this construction of the line is highly unusual for Clockwork, but still possible. The main downside is that Clockwerk will gain significantly less experience due to having an ally and will gain ult later. The tasks on the lane will be about the same, that is, you also control the movement of creeps, farm and prevent the enemy from doing the same. Of course, Clockwerk acts as the main hero, that is, it is he who tries to get all the farm, and the ally only helps him. Sometimes it makes sense to put clock together with an ally in the same lane when he has to counter a very strong triple. One of the main tasks of Clock will be to partially deprive the enemy of the farm. The most interesting allies for Clock may be the following: , , , or . We won’t focus too much on this laning, as it’s not a typical Clockwerk position and you might never even have to lane with an ally.

Mid and late game

The middle of the game is the most favorable time for Clockwork for various kinds of ganks. The most important thing here is not to overdo it. If, for example, you see that the enemies stick together, then there can be no talk of any solo killings. You just stay in the yard with your team and wait for the right moment to initiate the fight. Each successful battle should turn into pushing the line and demolishing buildings. For Clockwerk, the middle game is also important because it is at this stage of the game that the match should end and the longer you wait, doing incomprehensibly what, the more difficult it will be for you at a later stage of the game.

After you reach level 6, the next important things in Clockwork’s life will be related to buying artifacts. For example, having bought , you can already play more aggressively and are not afraid of any carry heroes, since they will no longer be able to kill you under the effect of damage return. Well, the purchase will allow you to use the ult much more often and are not afraid of failures in its use. In essence, Clock’s aggressiveness is determined by how well he managed to stay on the lane at the beginning of the game. If you managed to farm good artifacts and it’s hard for enemies to kill you, then you can safely start killing enemies in solo. If from the line you mainly received only experience, then by itself it is better to coordinate all your actions with your allies.

In terms of pushing and split-pushing, Clockwerk is a bad hero. Klok is not able to quickly kill the creeps in the lane, and he breaks the tower even worse. If you want to put some significant pressure on the lines, it is best to use missiles for this. Let’s say you go along the same line with your team, and on the next one, the creeps just fight among themselves. By firing a couple of rockets you will help your creeps and they will start pushing the lane on their own. In the same way, you can push the lane if you see that a large crowd of enemy creeps is starting to accumulate somewhere. In some cases, Clockwerk can be a very effective hero that kills the enemy’s split pushers. But this is only possible against certain types of heroes.

One of the most important tasks of Clockwork at all stages of the game is to provide visibility in key places. Klok can do this with the help of his missiles. For example, Clock can launch a rocket in time and spot an enemy that is trying to kill Roshan. Thus, he saves time and money for his allies. It is worth noting that the rocket at the site of the explosion opens the area for as much as 10 seconds, and about the flight time for 1 second. In this way, you can open not only specific areas, but also, for example, launch a rocket through the entire enemy forest and notice the movements of the enemy, although not for long. Sometimes even 1 second is more than enough to understand where the enemy is moving and organize an attack more competently. The constant illumination of the map also gives Clockwerk a chance to spot any lone enemy that decides to step aside and farm the missing amount of gold. Punishing such lone enemies over and over again, you will get a very good advantage and in fact each such successful gank can smoothly turn into a very profitable battle for you, and then into a push line.

Above, we have already touched on the issue of ganking with Clockwerk more than once and here we would like to talk about this in a little more detail. In general, Clock ganks in the same way. First, you scout the area with help and spotting the enemy, you quickly assess your strength and use your ult. Essentially, the success of a gank is determined by whether you hit with your ult or not. If everything went well and you are already flying towards the enemy, then all that remains is to use and . Most often it is better to use earlier than. In this way, you can immediately begin to stun the enemy and deal damage to him. The enemy will be under the effect of the stun of the ult, by this time you will have enough time to sing to activate the skills. Of course, it is best to attack lone enemies, since Clockwerk is effective against the crowd only as part of his team. He can only kill single enemies quickly. It should be understood that Clock is a very good initiator, but he may simply not have enough damage, especially when the game drags on and all enemies begin to actively buy artifacts for survivability. Before each use of the ult, you must be sure that the enemy is really alone. If, for example, you found a lone enemy with a rocket, but you don’t see his allies on the map, then an attack can be very risky.

Before every major battle, Clockwerk must use his missiles to locate the enemy’s main initiators and possibly shoot them down. The rocket certainly does damage, but at this stage of the game it is primarily your main tool for reconnaissance. Of course, even during the battle, rockets must be used for damage. Damage to enemy supports or some mages will still be significant. The perfect start to a fight for Clockwerk is when he charges in with his ult and immediately grabs a few enemies with . Taking advantage of the moment, your team will be able to effectively use their AOE abilities and possibly quickly kill the enemies cut off from their team. Using your ult from a long distance in this case may not be the best idea, as it will take a long time for your allies to quickly reach the battlefield. In addition, from a closer distance, you will have a better chance of accurately using your ult. It is most advantageous to use your ult on heroes with a melee attack, since under the effect they will not be able to attack your allies. It is also a good idea to start the fight with supports or heroes with low health, as you will kill them very quickly with the help of your allies. In some situations, it can be used to split the enemy team into two parts and it will be much easier for your allies to deal with them separately. In other words, don’t just use it to trap someone. During the main battle, Clockwerk is already running around the battlefield with the ability turned on. At this point, you need to quickly identify the most dangerous enemies. For example, you see some magician with a powerful AOE ult. You simply run up to him and, due to constant mini-stuns, completely block him. Or, for example, you see an enemy carry hero with a melee attack who has not even managed to buy BKB yet. Just being close to him will significantly reduce his effectiveness due to the same mini-stuns. From the very beginning of the battle to the end, Clockwerk plays an important role in the outcome of the battle. Each of his abilities can significantly change the alignment of the battle.

In between battles, Clockwerk can farm some gold in lanes or even in the jungle. In this case, it is best to use your abilities, since the damage of auto attacks is clearly not enough for him, or you will spend too much time on farming. However, farming for Clock is last and you only do it when there is no gank opportunity and your allies don’t plan to go into battle. It makes sense to purposefully go farming if, for example, you are a little short of gold to . In other cases, passive farming will be extremely unprofitable for you.

Clockwerk is a very interesting and strong hero. He is not easy to play and I would not recommend him to a beginner player, as you will need a certain understanding of the game and game mechanics and in general the experience of playing Dota 2.

Clockwerk or Rattletrap is a melee attack type character that plays the role of Support and Harder. As a hero with the primary attribute Strength, he can withstand significant incoming damage. Clockwerk’s abilities allow you to instantly fix or zone (keep distance) an opponent.

The clockwork guide for which, contains an explanation of the skills, requires a long mastery from a novice Dota 2 player — which is discussed later in the material.

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