Notail Dota

Notail dota Дота

Heroes of Newerth

Notail is a danish Dota 2 professional with a long road until he finally managed to win the Dota 2 International 2018 and 2019 with team OG. While writing this in 2019, he is currently the most successfull Dota 2 player with a mind-blowing E-sport prize money of $6,889,591.

Notail dota

Johan n0tail Sundstein is a legendary Dota 2 player who
is the richest esportsman in the world. Johan started professional
career in Heroes of Newerth, but eventually moved to Dota 2, where for many years he could not achieve
success. Things got better when n0tail decided not to join other teams,
but collect your own. It was then that Johan became a world-class star. However
after the loudest «betrayal» in Dota 2, n0tail had to start everything
at first. No one believed in him, but in spite of everyone, he became a two-time champion of The
International — in 2018 and 2019. And both times he was a captain. This
a unique case in the history of esports, which is why Johan is a legend. What
was his path to the title of champion — in the Cybersport material.


esports career

Notail dota

When Johan was only 15 years old, he could already
be named one of the best Heroes of Newerth players. Then he made friends with two
other esportsmen who will become extremely famous in the future. These were
Yasha nova Markus and Tal Fly Izik. The guys got to their team two more
players and started playing together.

Initially, they did not even expect that they would be signed by
professional esports team. However, they immediately became interested
Fnatic manager who turned the young roster into his side project. He received
Fnatic name. EU. The team won the first tournament, after which all
players have been officially signed.

I made esports my dream when I was already playing
very, very good. Money began to appear when I was 15-16 years old. We
played for 3-4 thousand dollars in HoN. It wasn’t fantastic
salary or money on which you can live comfortably, but I began to relate to
this is much more serious.

Notail dota

Fnatic roster. EU can be called legendary for
Heroes of Newerth. At that time, the team won every second tournament and even
set several records. For example, Fnatic won four tournaments in a row
DreamHack series, which no one else has been able to do. Fnatic results. EU grew,
however, the Heroes of Newerth esports scene was slowly dying, because
most of the players moved to Dota

Experience is experience. Now I think it would be better
spend time on DotA instead of HoN, if we knew that we would move to
Dota 2. But I don’t regret anything, we had a good time beating everyone

N0tail to take a break as a player to mentor the new OG Dota roster and stream.

In 2015 when he founded OG, he committed himself to the dream of creating an organization where players and employees could develop in a safe and respectful environment. Day after day he lived by those values ​​and helped OG grow, while he captained the most successful DOTA team in history. But after more than 35 Lans, 9 majors and 5 TIs with OG, he has reached a high point of personal fatigue and needs time off from competing as a player.

“Johan is the light that guides OG forward. But being that source of light is specially draining on him. He is always there for everyone, always giving. But during the last year we could see how exhausted he was. You could feel it. He needs a break. And no one deserves it more, because no one gives more than him. To every task, to every project, and to every person around him. He needs a break and he is going to have all our love and support while we make a little space for him.” –

What’s next?
Johan and Seb have always been very open about their intentions of continuing to develop the new generation of OG Dota. With this commitment in mind, Johan will be staying with the new roster of OG Dota to mentor them, work with them at the Lisbon Sunflower house, and transfer all the wisdom and knowledge they have gathered during this long journey.

Last but not least, Johan will also be focusing much more on streaming and creating content during this break. Maybe Dota content, maybe content about his long time passion of gardening, maybe pick back up the podcast we once did. I guess everyone will have to wait and see what he has in stock for us.

Until then, we want to thank Johan for being the best friend and mentor anyone can ask for, and thank all our fans for your constant love and support!

The International 2019 and Notail’s Motivation to win it

OG is the only team in the Dota 2 world who won consecutive two International Tournaments. They managed to win the International 2019 Tournament as well: The Grand Final was just epic: OG vs Team Liquid. The whole team showed next-level gameplay and in the end, won the series with 3-1.

Was it the motivation of Notail that lead OG to the win? In TI8 it was revenge but was it the same this time as well?

How Notails Dog won the TI9

Notail dota

An interview was held before the Grand Final in which Notail said, his Dog (Sebastian) died a few weeks ago. I am dedicating this tournament to him. Notail is an absolute pet lover. He can do anything for his pet. Might be Sebastian was the main reason behind the epic gameplay of Notail.

Notail was leading team OG to the victory of the TI9

Notail dota

OG won one of the biggest prize pool in esports history, $15.5 million. Moreover, they got the title of two consecutive wins.

Notail became the most succesfull Dota 2 player after winning the TI9

Notail dota

If you think about the best and strongest Dota 2 players, you may think of super hard carrys and mid-lane players who just stomp down the enemy team. But Notail made it happen after Kuroky (who also was leading the Dota 2 board as a support) to dominate the ladder and grab the first place: Notail is, after winning the Dota 2 International 2019, the most successfull player of Dota 2 as a position 5 support!

Even if he is not the carry, Notail is the one who is putting his team into action and helps each one of them to shine! Notail won the Dota 2 International 2019 with team OG and they claimed 45.5% of the Earnings. By reaching that, all 5 climbed to the top 5 most successful Dota 2 players.

Team OG (Winner of TI9):

Each player alone won $3.1 million at the TI9, together with his prize pool of the TI8 ($2.24 million) and his long career path he secures the first place. Notail is now the Dota 2 player with the highest E-Sport earnings and it will probably not change until the TI10! 😉

How old is Johan Sundstein aka Notail?

Johan “Notail” Sundstein, sometimes also called “BigdaddyNotail” is born in 1993, at the time participating in the Dota 2 International 2019 he was 26 years old. He is one of the older fellows of the Dota 2 Pro Community, but who knows, these days many Progamers play until they are 30 years old or even beyond that age.

The Betrayal and Revenge between Notail and Fly

At the end of 2017, MoonMeander left OG and S4 replaced him. The in-game collaboration between S4, Fly, and Notail was just epic. O G became the most unstoppable team of that time.

The Super Major was a few weeks away, and an event happened in Team OG that shattered Notail. His best friend Fly betrayed him and left OG along with S4 and joined EG. Notail and Fly always had a peaceful and deep friendship, they spend years together in the Dota 2 professional scene. That move from Fly was like a knife in the back for Notail.

Ultimately, OG has to back out of the Supermajor because they did not have enough team members. Now, there was no friendship left, Notail wanted revenge badly.

Notail created a new team for the TI8 in no time

Notail dota

Notail started to search new good players because the TI8 was near and he could not skip it. Jerax and Sebastien Debs Aka “Ceb” joined OG. Later on, two more players also joined OG: Ana and Topson. The team was ready and TI8 was about to start.

Time of Revenge – Notail vs. Fly

Notail dota

OG and EG both were going well during the TI8. In the upper bracket match, it was time for both teams to face each other. Notail was extremely curious for this moment. Notail and his team gave a tremendous performance and won the match by 2-0. An absolute defeat for EG, Notail eliminated them from the tournament. Moreover, he gave Fly a lesson that he made the wrong move. After the fabulous win, both teams have to shake hands, Notail shook with Fly with a weird look on his face.

Later on, OG got into the Grand Final Along with LGD. It was the best of the match, and OG showed tremendous gameplay and won by 3-2. O G won the Ti8 with a huge prize pool of $11 Million. Notail got his revenge and the most significant success of his life in one tournament.

Are Notail and Fly still friends?

Notail dota

Notail and Fly had been friends for over 9 years and played a ton of professional matches together. Their win rate was 62% and there is no other Duo in the gaming pro scene whoever had better performance over such a long time. When Fly left Notail and Team OG a few weeks before the TI8 it was a shock for the scene: The friendship ended and Fly betray Notail, they are no friends anymore.

The funny thing of the story is that Notail was able to replace each one of them and made an all-in by relying on the youngster Topson along with Ceb, ana, and Jerax. He was able to show Fly that he is the better Dota 2 player and the world was watching this drama with tension. It was a ridiculous move by Fly but the revenge was hitting great. Perfect entertainment!

Why did Fly leave OG and Notail?

In an interview, Fly said he left OG because the team did not work out and he totally lost his motivation to play with this team anymore. He said OG was a dead end. It was hard for him to quit with OG but he thought he needs teammates he can trust.


Notail dota

Йохан родился 8 октября 1993 года в Финляндии. С
самого детства у Йохана было две страсти: собаки и компьютерные игры. Мальчик
мог часами играть с хвостатыми друзьями, но сам завести собаку не мог. Запрещал
глава семейства. Тогда все внимание Йохана переключилось на видеоигры. По
словам его родителей, он играл всегда и везде. Дома он играл в компьютер или
приставку, а в поездках — в Game Boy.

Если ты видел его без Game Boy в руках, значит или
он её сломал, или что-то натворил в школе и теперь пытается выглядеть прилежным

Своим первым серьёзным увлечением n0tail считает
Warcraft, с которой он познакомился в 12 лет. Во время регистрации он хотел
взять себе никнейм Mister Hat, но он уже оказался занят. Тогда Йохан рандомно
придумал словосочетание notail и решил оставить его в качестве основного
никнейма. Так и появился легендарный notail.

Notail dota

На протяжении трех следующих лет Йохан продолжал
много играть в видеоигры. После Warcraft он временно перешел на DotA, но особенно ему понравилась
другая игра — Heroes of Newerth (HoN).
Именно в ней он хотел достичь успеха. В возрасте 15 лет notail вместе со своими
друзьями из HoN
решил собрать профессиональную команду. Именно тогда началась карьера Йохана
как киберспортсмена.

После первых успехов в профессиональном HoN Йохан
понял, что на учёбу у него уже не хватает времени. Поэтому он решил отчислиться
из престижной Falkonergardens Gymnasium в Копенгагене и полностью посвятить
себя киберспорту. Директор учебного заведения назвала парня «избалованным и
испорченным», раз он предпочёл образование компьютерным играм. Родители тоже
были не в восторге от этого решения, но Йохан уговорил их довериться ему, так
как он верил в свой успех. К слову, уже тогда призовые, которые получал notail,
были весьма неплохие. Благодаря этому он мог спокойно жить один.


Notail dota

После распада Fnatic. EU Йохан не расстроился. Он
начал создавать новую команду, но перед этим успел поиграть четыре месяца за
Team Secret и восемь месяцев за Cloud9. С последней он даже отобрался на The
International в 2015 году, однако достичь успеха команда не смогла. Cloud9 играла
очень специфично и весьма нестабильно. Все дело в том, что ей руководил
довольно неординарный Джеки EternalEnvy Мао, с которым ничего не бывает просто.
Еще до старта TI5 по сообществу поползли слухи, что отношения между игроками
далеки от дружеских.

Кое-как Cloud9 все же смогла выйти в плей-офф,
однако после этого игра команды совершенно посыпалась. Игроки перестали слушать
друг друга, каждый настаивал на своём. Естественно, это не привело ни к чему
хорошему, и Cloud9 покинула The International 2015, не добившись хорошего

После TI5 я мог просто сидеть и винить себя в том,
что купил не те артефакты, и корить себя за ошибки. Или же я мог нарисовать
другую картину. Я мог поверить в свой потенциал. Я сделал это в Team Secret, я
сделал это во Fnatic, я сделал это в Heroes of Newerth. Я уничтожал этих
ребятишек на миде, я научил многому стольких людей, и я знал, что могу вывести
эту игру на новый уровень. С момента моего перехода в Dota 2 я всегда под
кого-то прогибался. Я никогда не брал на себя всё управление, никогда не имел
права вето, никогда не мог продвигать собственное видение. В OG же у меня был
простор для того, чтобы продвигать свои идеи и создать то, чего хочу конкретно
я. Это был мой с Fly проект, в котором мы собирались реализовать всё по-своему.

Then n0tail and Fly decided to make their own
a team in which friendship and comradely relations were in the first place.
The team was named Monkey
business. She had the following roster.

Notail dota

Monkey Business players immediately played and started
show cool results, and a month later they changed the name of the team to OG,
which is now legendary. At the same time, the roster has not changed. More
a few weeks later, OG became the champion of the Frankfurt Major, which became a real
sensation. That’s when about n0tail
spoke again. By the way, OG is not decrypted in any way. This is another idea

And I like that no one knows what it means.
Everyone invents for himself. Often, according to the proposed decryptions, you can
understand our relationship. When I can’t figure out what mood my colleague is in
came to training, I ask: “What does OG mean?” From the answer it is immediately clear that
someone needs hot chocolate or just a moment of calm.

OG had a pretty bad season in 2016. Besides
Some changes have already taken place in the roster. The team was unable to achieve
some high results, so before The International OG was not considered a favorite. Like
to be expected, the team failed, losing two consecutive playoff games. On
post-match interview Johan looked very sad. He even stated that
the future of OG
is under big question.

In 2017, Johan reassembled the line-up in such a way that
that the team has become even stronger. That season, she won two more majors:
first in Boston, and then in Kyiv. Then OG’s results slipped, but that didn’t stop her
qualify for The International 2017, the fifth for n0tail. The team showed the best
result and took 7th-8th place, but this was not enough for Johan, and he, along with
continued training with other players.

Notail dota

In 2018, OG suffered defeat after defeat. At
commands did not work at all, followed by the loudest
scandal in Dota history
2. Fly and s4 left the team.
They decided to move to a more promising team — Evil Geniuses. For Johan
it was the strongest blow, because they played together with Fly for more than 10 years, and
now he has abandoned it for ambition. This situation can be looked at in different ways.
but then Johan looked at her unambiguously. More about his feelings
said the OG coach.

Sebastian Ceb Debs

in Dota

Notail dota

In March 2012, Fnatic. The EU has officially translated its
roster in Dota 2, but the results of the team were unsatisfactory. It’s all about
that the guys are used to playing Heroes of Newerth, and to adapt to Dota 2, you had to spend a lot
time. Still, the pool of characters and mechanics in these games were different. It is forbidden
was to take Dota
2 swoop.

At the same time, n0tail believed that sooner or later he would
commands will work. Johan had his own philosophy. He thought it was more important
be good friends than skill players. In the future, it is this mindset
helped n0tail win The International twice.

Finding good players is easy. Make them play like
one team is another story.

At the same time, few people in the Dota 2 community believed in the success of n0tail and Co. It was believed that these players were
are good in Heroes of Newerth, but now their time has passed. Also, quite a long time.
at Fnatic. EU had no results, but the team still managed to qualify for
The International 2013. It was the first TI for Johan. He was from him

Probably only at The International for the first time
felt like a professional esportsman. This tournament is
crazy. The way we were treated was just beyond my imagination.

Despite the excellent mood of Fnatic. EU failed
at The International in 2013. A year later, the situation has not changed, and the team
could not show a decent result. Then Fnatic. EU didn’t even make the playoffs.
A few weeks later, the organization announced that the legendary line-up
Fnatic. The EU has collapsed.

What is Notail’s current status?

At the moment there are no signs that Notail is his phenomenal career and we can look forward to the next Dota 2 International event. There may be some replacements in the team, but chances are high that Notails sticks to OG!

Is Notail streaming on Twitch?

Yes from time to time, he got over 90k subscribers and his Twitch channel is called bigdaddy.

What is Notail’s Dotabuff profile?

His Dotabuff account has been OG. N0tail with 65% win rate, but currently he has new smurf accounts.

Is Notail the Best Dota 2 Player?

While he is the player with the highest earnings so far, he sometimes has been criticized for his impact. But for being a support player on position 5 his game impact is definitely high and he does the right things to win the game. On paper, there are better players in Dota 2 when it comes to carrying, reflexes or pure skill and micro. But that’s the great thing about it, you can be the most earning player as a support role!


Notail dota

Due to the departure of Fly and s4, the team got into an extremely
difficult situation. The International 2018 kicked off in three months, and
at OG
there was not even a team to take part in it. In addition, the club could not
earn himself a direct invite, so he had to play in open
qualifications, but before that find new players.

The first step was to make sure everyone had
Everything is fine. It was a completely demoralizing experience — one of the hardest
episodes in my life. At such moments, it seems to you that the world around you is just
collapsed, although you gave him all of yourself. Everything happened too fast. esse
JerAx Vainikka, me and Johan n0tail Sundstein — we decided that we would have a real
fire. We decided that we would turn this team into something great. It gave us a charge
motivation to fight. To continue to prove that we are following the dream and
we don’t give up.

Before The International 2018, the OG roster changed a lot. To the top five
The players were joined by Sebastian Ceb Debs, who used to be a coach. also in
team returned Anatan Ana
Pham, who was taking a break from his playing career. In addition, Johan found in
matchmaking of a very cool player and invited him to play in the second position. Them
became Topias Topson Taavitsainen. The team’s roster is as follows.

It is in this lineup that OG
performed at the open qualifiers for The International 2018.
to the surprise of many, the team was able to break into the main tournament of the year. However
according to quotes, OG
was considered the weakest team in the tournament. Nobody could believe that the team
collected three months before TI
can show good results.

surprised everyone. The team was able to reach the upper bracket of the playoffs and began to win
series after series. Moreover, each match was extremely difficult for OG, but at the expense of incredible comebacks
the team managed to win. This happened in the series against Evil Geniuses,
which, for obvious reasons, was fundamental. It was especially tense
OG’s battle with Evil Geniuses on the decisive map. There, the n0tail team was inferior to more than
20 thousand gold, but managed to return to the game and defeat the principled
opponent. She has OG
was able to win the victory, after which that famous photograph appeared, on
which n0tail and fly
shake hands with each other.

Notail dota

After that, OG managed to reach the grand final, where
defeated PSG. LGD with a score of 3:2. Perhaps it was
the brightest grand final in the history of The International. And Johan finally
was able to get his cherished aegis. For the first time in history, the champion of The
International became the line-up that got to him through open qualifiers.

It’s very hard for me to believe that this happened. This
too good to be true. I feel great. Thank you all for
what made it possible. I feel like I’m sleeping.

In 2019, OG missed almost the entire season — the well-deserved champions rested.
After that, the team took a high place in the last major of the season and, due to
this received an invite to The International 2019. At that tournament, OG was no longer considered an outsider. Team
was one of the main favorites for the championship. Actually, that’s what happened.
However, this time there was no more struggle. O G was a few goals stronger
of all opponents and simply went through the tournament like a skating rink, becoming a two-time TI champion. Apart from Johan and his team, no one
could not achieve such a result. They forever inscribed their names in history

Notail dota

Esports Earnings and Dota 2 Income of Notail

Notail dota

After winning the TI9, the biggest E-sport prize pool so far, Notail achieved the title of the highest esports earning player worldwide. In his lifetime until today, Notail earned $6,886,181.99 from 108 Tournaments. Of course, the number will be continuous as long as Notail is playing Dota 2 no matter if he is playing with Team OG or with another team.

Notail is the Dota 2 Player with the highest E-Sport Earnings ever in 2019

Notail dota

All of the TI9 and TI8 winners (Notail, Jerax, ana, Ceb and Topson) are leading the Dota 2 top list. They have the highest E-sport earnings worldwide and Notail is on place one with nearly $7 million dollars won through online gaming until today.

Top 10 won Tournaments with the highest Earning for Notail’s Teams

N0tail’s Strength: He is one of the best position 5 players of the world in Dota 2 and is always staying calm. He has a good overview and his gaming tools support him to react fast and flexible.

Team Monkey Business and the Rise of Team OG

After getting kicked out of his team, Notail could not perform with Cloud 9 as well. So, he left cloud 9 after the ti5.

At that time, Fly was also kicked out of the Team Secret. Again Notail and Fly came up with a new team called, Monkey Business. The Team included Miracle, Cr1t, Fly, Notail and MoonMeander.

Later on, the name Monkey Business was switched with OG. This time the team was highly cooperative, and the synchronization was remarkable. The winning streaks of Notail started again.

богатый киберспортсмен

Notail dota

В данный момент Йохан n0tail Сундштайн является
самым богатым игроком в Dota
2. За свою карьеру чистыми призовыми он смог заработать более 7,1 млн долларов,
что является абсолютным рекордом. При этом большую часть этой суммы Йохан
получил за счет побед на The International в 2018 и 2019 годах. К слову,
следующие четыре игрока в топе самых богатых дотеров — это тимейты n0tail из OG, которые также выиграли два TI. Однако у Йохана было много побед
помимо The International, поэтому он и возглавляет список самых богатых игроков
в Dota
2. А учитывая тот факт, что эта дисциплина является самой богатой среди всех,
то n0tail смело можно назвать самым богатым киберспортсменом в мире. Если взять
топовых игроков из других дисциплин, то видно, что за карьеру они выиграли в
несколько раз меньше призовых, чем Йохан. Поэтому n0tail можно назвать не
только легендой Dota
2, но и легендой всего киберспорта.


Notail dota

Йохан n0tail Сундштайн играет в Dota 2 c 2012 года. До этого он немного
увлекался DotA
и был лидером профессиональной команды по Heroes of Newerth (HoN). В этой дисциплине он добился
неплохих результатов, но затем все-таки перешел в Dota 2, так как там было намного больше
денег, перспектив и возможностей. В данный момент n0tail уже не играет на
профессиональной сцене. Вместо этого он является ментором и духовным
наставником OG.
В Dota
2 Йохан играл ровно 10 лет.

За это время он достиг огромных успехов. При этом
нельзя сказать, что n0tail все время находился на вершине. В его истории были
очень темные времена, из-за чего список достижений Йохана намного меньше, чем у
Puppey или Miracle-. За всю карьеру он выиграл 13 турниров, на 14 занял вторые
места, а еще на 17 – третьи. Это отличный результат, но у некоторых
игроков Dota
2 это показатель выше в два или даже в три раза.

Зато n0tail имеет уникальный рекорд, ведь он дважды
в качестве капитана OG
стал чемпионом The International, в 2018 и 2019 годах. Только его команде
удалось достичь такого успеха. К тому же Йохан четыре раза становился
победителем мейджора, что также является безумным результатом. Если сложить эти
результаты, то получается, что n0tail можно назвать одним из самых выдающихся
игроков в истории Dota
2. Ниже представлены основные достижения в карьере Йохана.

The International 2019 — 1 место;

International 2018 — 1 место;

The Kiev Major
2017 — 1 место;

The Boston Major
2016 — 1 место;

The Manila Major
2016 — 1 место;

2015 — 1 место.

Notails Journey from Team Fanatic to Team Secret to Cloud 9

Notail dota

The new Team Fanatic was an absolute monster in the start. They even beat the unbeatable team of that time called Alliance. But these wins did not survive for too long. After the Dota 2 International 2013, everything changed. Team Fanatic was placed at the 7-8th position and a devastating defeat by Team, Orange.

After TI3, Team fanatic did not win even one premier tournament. Moreover, a more shameful defeat in the TI4 ended up at position 13-14th. It was the end of Notail’s patience. On the 27th August 2014 BigDaddy bid farewell to Fnatic and had this to say: “Today I’m leaving Fnatic, this has been my first and only organization to play under, but all good things must come to an end. I would like to thank everyone who has supported me through the years.”Notail along with his friend Fly, left the Team Fanatic. Unfortunately, Nova decided to stay.

Notail and Team Secret in 2014

Notail dota

Later on, Notail invited Puppey, S4, and Kuroky to join his team called Team Secret. From the start, Notail and Puppey had some differences in the team.

Still, they managed to win five tournaments in 2014. However, Puppey could not tolerate Notail in Team Secret. So, he somehow kicked Notail out of the team and replaced him with Arteezy.

Notail joined Cloud 9 in 2015

Notail dota

The Dota 2 Asia Championship was near. So, instead of wasting time, Notail joined the Cloud 9. Perhaps it is not easy to collaborate with a new team.

Notail faced disappointments again, losing badly in the Asia Championship. Moreover, the team ended up at the 9-12th place in The International 2015.

From a Heroes of Newerth Progamer to a Dota 2 Superstar

Notail dota

Today, Johan Sundstein aka Notail is one of the best Danish professional Dota 2 players, but he started his professional gaming career as a Heroes of Newerth player.

At the age of 15, Notail became the youngest competitive and most prominent player of Heroes of Newerth in the world. Beating Notail in the mid solo lane was impossible. He won many local tournaments of Heroes of Newerth along with his friends Jascha Aka Nova and Tal Aka Fly.

Screenshot of Heroes of Newerth:

Notail dota

Along with Heroes of Newerth (HON and HON2), Notail and his friends started playing Dota as well as a side game. HON never made the step to reach the same level of balancing and deepness like Dota. At that time no one knew that Dota would change the life of this young boy. After a few months of playing Dota, Notail and his friends switched from Heroes of Newerth to Dota. This time Notail started playing the support role.

In no time his gameplay with Chen and Wisp/IO got popular all among the Dota community. Notail is a quick learner and the new support role was perfectly fitting to his playstyle.

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