When does the late game start? what is it called

these phases are neither time nor level dependent.

Basically, you have to get a «feel» of the flow of the game.

Early game is basically the laning phase. Players mostly stick to their lanes because if you compare the average gain and probability of a sucesful gank to the CS you might miss, it is generally better to stick to lanes (no ultis, all towers up, very littlie chance of succesful tower diving etc.). This is the phase where supports shine wth their defined damage magic nukes. (dmg/hero HP ratio is high)

Midgame is the time of the first tower pushes/teamfights. This is where most heroes have some midgame items (3-4k gold) and most ultis are ready. Magic nukers still can contribute a lot (several high damage nukes / HP ratio is still very good).

The late game is something that is beyond this. Basically, heroes cannot be alone on the map since all the carrys and semi carrys are able to 1v1 weaker heroes or 2v1 anybody with the help of a support. This phase is when huge teamfights and base pushes occur. In late game, at least the carrys get their core farm and max their skills. Magic nukes become way less useful (the HP if important heroes get really high compared to an average magic nuke)

Then there is the extreme late game where basically everyone is six slotted and nearly max leveled which means gold and XP difference doesnt really matter anymore. Usually the hero composition (aka who has the hardest carry and the better teamfight) decides the outcome.

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You cannot really assign time windows or hero levels to this because the flow of the game mostly depends on the hero composition of the two teams.

С какой минуты начинается лейт?

С какой минуты начинается лейт?

f0th3n csmoney сказал(а):↑

0-20 мин-ерли гейм

20-40 мин- мид гейм

40-60 мин- лейт

60+ мин — гипер лейт

Лейт начинается тогда, когда выфармливают коры. Кто нафармил быстрее, тот быстрее вышел в лейт. Это не привязывается к минуте

Когда анти-крип все-таки нафармит свой несчастный

0-10 early (lining stage)

10-30 mid game

30+ late game

Give me your part сказал(а):↑

Ерли гейм это лайн стадия когда заканчивается лайн стадия,тогда и начинается мил гейм

для антимага и войда с 45 гдет

Лайн стадия это лайн стадия. Это разные критерии. Где написано, что мидл гейм с окончанием лайн стадии начинается?

алхимик начинает лейт на 25мин

Я думаю, что момент, когда снесли внешние вышки можно считать лейтом, даже если это на 10 минуте сделали. От слова late — поздно, поздно фармить — ***** (беги и очень быстро) дефить

В среднем — 40 минута.

это глубокий лейт

, он спрашивает про простой, простой начинается до выхода крипов

У каждого дотера в жизни имел место быть пендос на сапорте, который напишет brb. Ну и кто такой б*я этот brb? А затем вы видите, как ваша пятая позиция уходит под башню и стоит афк минуты 3, пока вас е*ут в жопу хардовый бистмастер с личом. Но если бы вы прочитали это руководство, вы бы узнали, что brb переводится, как Be right back (скоро буду/сейчас вернусь). Ниже будут указаны подобные сокращения.

LMAO — (laugh my ass off) — смеюсь до слёз; смеюсь настолько сильно, что жопа рвётся. Допускается написание LMFAO-(laugh my f*cking ass of), которое отличается лишь добавлением нецензурного слова.

LOL — (laugh out loud) — очень сильно смеюсь.

BTW — (by the way) — кстати.

IRL — (in real life) — в реальной жизни.

BRB — (be right back) — скоро буду/сейчас вернусь.

LMK — (let me know) — дай мне знать.

W8 — (wait) — подожди(те).

G2G — (got to go) — нужно идти.

IMHO — (in my humble opinion) — по моему скромному мнению.

ILY — (I love you) — я тебя люблю.

PLS — (please) — пожалуйста.

TBH — (to be honest) — честно говоря.

PPL — (people) — люди.

NC — (no comment) — без комментариев.

ZZZ — (sleeping) — сплю.

F2F — (face to face) — лицом к лицу, тет-а-тет.

IDK — (i don’t know) — я не знаю.

MB — (maybe) -может быть/возможно.

Me 2 — (me too) — я тоже.

ASAP — (as soon as possible) — так скоро, как возможно.

4U — (for you) — для тебя.

IOU — (i owe you) — я тебе должен.

THX — (thanks) — спасибо.

STFU — (shut the f*ck up) — shut the fuck up!

MYOB — (mind your own business) — mind your own business / mind your own business.

4E — (forever) — forever.

B4 — (before) — before.

BC — (because) — because.

BK — (back) — back.

BT — (but) — no.

CUZ — (because) — because.

GR8 — (great) — great.

HRU — (how are you?) — how are you? / how are you?

L8 — (late) — late.

L8R — (later) — later.

M8 — (mate) — buddy.

NP — (no problem) — no problem.

NT — (nice try) — good try.

NE1 — (anyone) — somebody.

NO1 — (no one) — nobody.

SOM1 — (someone) — someone.

THNQ — (thank you) — thank you.

CU/CY — (see you/see ya) — see you.

MF — (motherf*cker) — bastard.

Dunno — (don’t know) — I don’t know.

AF — (as f*ck) — like f*ck. (Fast as f*ck) — what a fast f*ck.

This beginner’s guide is an extended version of an article by user Walle. Some new information has been added, what I think is redundant has been removed, and existing information has been edited.

Abuse (Abuz) — Using (abuse) an imbalance or flaws in the game for personal purposes. Also a type of trolling using game mechanics. Teleport to the base, sleep and other things that interfere with the normal game.

AC, Attack Cooldown — The length of the time interval between unit attacks.

AFK (Away from the keyboard) — moved away from the keyboard/computer. It is used when the player is away (wants to leave) for a short time.

All (All) — The call of the player to gather together somewhere. (For example, when going to Roshan). There are also messages like «All mid», «All bot» — a call to gather on one of the lanes.

AoE — spells by area. 500 AoE — a spell with a radius of 500. For example — a hero.

Assist (Assist) — help the allied hero. Usually — in the murder of other people’s heroes.

B (back, b) — Back. Typically, the player will suggest moving back to allied structures after pushing or ganking. («Let’s go b»)

Backdooring (BD, BD, Backdoor) — Destruction of enemy buildings without the participation of allied creeps. («They do bd»)

Bash (bash) — a blow with a stun effect for a short time. Heroes have Spirit Braker, etc. Another item adds a bash to the hero’s attacks.

BG (Boring game/Bad game) — boring/bad game. Usually said at the end of the game.

BRB (I’ll be right back) — I’ll be right back. Such a message is often seen from an ally leaving the lane.

(Blink) — Type of ability. Teleportation for a short distance. , Anti Mage, etc. have it, and any hero can afford blink by purchasing . Exceptions — and

Bot (Bottom, Bot) — bottom creep line.

Buff (Buff / buff) — A positive spell cast on a unit. ( For example, 2 skill of the hero Lycanthrope)

Care — Be careful. Be careful. («care nyx invis», «care sf ss»)

Cast (Cast) — The process of using a skill or the time it takes to cast a spell (Skill). At the same time, it is often used as a definition of actions (Use). To knock down a cast means to interrupt the use of a spell (Skill). For example, casts of heroes’ ultimates can be knocked down with a stun.

CD / Cooldown (CD / Cooldown) — The period of time until the next use of a spell, ability, or item. («Cd per blink 5 seconds»).

Chain-Spell (Chain Spell, teapot) — An active ability that affects several units «along the chain». An example is a hero.

Check (Check) — Check. The need for reconnaissance of any part of the map is shown. As a rule, such a message is accompanied by a visual and audio signal on the map. ( ALT+LKM) (ex. «Check Roshan»)

Counter — Interfere, successfully resist something / someone.

Creeping — the process of killing creeps. See Farming.

Creeps (Creeps, mobs) — Units that appear at the players’ bases and walk along the lines towards enemy units. Also forest neutral units.

Critical Strike (Crit, Crit, Critical Strike) — Usually a passive ability (exception — giving a chance to deal increased damage when attacking.

Damage — damage, damage.

Damage Per Second (DPS, DPS) — Damage per second.

Damage-Dealer (Damage-Dealer, DD) — A unit with a high DPS value

Debuff (Debuff) — A negative effect imposed on a unit. The opposite of Buff. For example — the hero Traxex.

Def (Defend) — protect. A call to defend any point on the map. Such a message may be accompanied by a visual audible signal on the map. («Def Top»)

Disable (Disable) — An active ability that temporarily «disables» the target. Hero Shakles, for example. Occasionally, a disable can be in the form of a passive — .

Disabler — A unit with the ability to disable.

Double-Line — a situation when there are two heroes on the line at once from one side.

Easy lane (easy lane) — Easy lane, which is easier to play. For this is a bot, and for Dire — top.

Effective Hit Points, EHP — A unit’s ability to endure damage, its «survivability». Mostly depends on armor, magic resistance and the ability to dodge blows.

Experiense (EXP) — experience gained for killing enemy creeps and heroes.

Farming (Farm, Farm) — The process of killing creeps to get gold and experience. (He’s been farming for half an hour now»)

FF (Finish fast) — Finish faster. (I have no strength to see this nightmare).

Feeder (Feeder) — a player who «feeds» the enemy team with gold and experience, often dying from enemy heroes. Fidet — purposely die from enemy heroes.

First blood (FB, FB) — First blood. Appears on the very first kill in the game. FB gives 200 gold.

Frag (Kill, Frag) — Point for killing an enemy hero.

Frag Stealing/Kill Stealing (Frag / kill stealing, steal / steal) — Finishing off an enemy hero with the explicit intention of stealing a frag from an ally who has the ability to kill the same hero. The carry-hero’s support steal is especially unpleasant.

Gank — Go around ANd Kill. Teaming up multiple heroes to quickly and unexpectedly kill one or more heroes. («Let’s gank the lycan»)

Ganker (Ganker) — A hero who is effectively used in ganks.

GG (Good game) — Good game. Usually said after the game. Or means mocking the enemy team.

GJ (Good job) — Good job. (Especially after Rampage!).

GL (Good luck) — Good luck wish.

H/Help — Request for help. (Frequent replacements are «AAAAAAAA!» and erratic visual-audible signal on the map).

Hard lane (hard lane) — Difficult line, which is somewhat more difficult to play. For this is the top, and for Dire — a bot.

HF (Have fun) — Have fun.

HG (High Ground) — elevation above any area.

HP, Hit points (HP, hit points) — Health points.

Jungling, wood (Jungl, forest, jungle) — The process of gaining experience and gold in the forest. («i jungl», «I am a forest», etc.)

Imba (Imbalance, Imba) — A characteristic of the imbalance of something too strong. In rare cases — sarcasm, denoting something very weak. («Spectra at 60 minutes with a radical — imba!»)

IMHO (In My Humble Opinion, IMHO) — The expression «in my humble opinion». («IMHO he is the bottom»).

Invisibility (Inviz) — A state in which the unit is not visible to enemy creatures that do not have the «True Sight» ability. There is also a rune of the same name.

Item (Item, Art, Artifact, Item) — Item, artifact.

Lasthit (Lasthit) — The last hit from which the enemy unit dies and you get gold. («He’s got a bad last hit»)

Late (Late) — Late game. After, conditionally, the 16th level.

Leaver — A player who leaves the game before it ends.

Line (Line, Line) — One of the three directions in which the creeps go.

LOL (Lots Of Laugh, LOL) — An expression in the game that replaces laughter.

LoS (line of sight) — line of sight. Moose — move out of the line of sight, being in the radius of the attack / spells of the enemy. This is done by entering HG, maneuvering between trees, etc.

Low (Low) — Low level. For example: low HP/MP.

Macro (Macro-, Macro, Macro-Control) — The player’s ability to choose a game strategy and monitor the situation on the map.

Manacost (Manacost, MC, MK) — The amount of mana required for a spell, the use of an item. . Example: To use a hero skill, you need 120 mana.

Micro (Micro-, Micro, Micro-Control) — The player’s ability to control each of his creatures individually, their movement and abilities. («requires a good micro»).

Mid (Mid) — the central line of movement of creeps.

Miss (ss, ss, YY) — A message that the enemy hero has disappeared from sight on the line. («Top miss», «invok ss»).

MP, Mana points (MP, mana points) — Mana points. Spent by heroes or units to use abilities.

Move Speed, MS, Speed, MS — Unit movement speed.

Noob/Newbie (Nub) — New to the game. More often used is perceived as an insult.

Nuke (Nuke) — An active ability, the main purpose of which is to inflict damage on the enemy. Nuker is a hero with these abilities and the ability to use them frequently. («The Lich is a good nuker»).

OMG (Oh my god)

OMW (On my way) — I’m already running. (Run, Forest, run!)

OOM (Out of mana) — No mana. ( I’m useless 🙁 )

Orb Effect (Orb) — Why Guisno called this chip an orb effect is unknown. But these are unique attack effects in DotA that cannot work together. Although there are exceptions — the hero’s Glaves only work with the orb effect of vampirism.

Passive Skill (Passive Skill, Passive, Passive) — A passive ability that always works, without the need for activation.

Pick (Peak) — Choice. For example: they pick — they chose a hero. In a broader sense — a set of heroes chosen by the team. («Our pick was stronger»)

PLS, PLZ (Please) — Please.

Procast — Using a series of abilities one by one in a short amount of time. («Lina made a procast»)

Pub (Public, Pub, Public) — A game that any player has access to. It is played most often with random allies and opponents. Paber is a player who plays in a pub.

Push (Push) — A series of actions aimed at destroying enemy towers / barracks. As a rule, it is accompanied by a preponderance of allied heroes in the lane, push-heroes. («Push Top»)

Range (Range) — Distance. Usually — the use of a spell or a hero’s attack.

Resist — Damage resistance. It happens magical and physical (armor).

(Rosh, Roshan) — the strongest NPC on the map, when killed, players get gold, experience and useful items.

Rune — A special item that appears on the map and gives the hero who picked it up a temporary bonus. Among them are:

-Double Damage (Double Damage / DD) — the name speaks for itself, doubles the base damage.

-Haste (Hast) — Increases the hero’s movement speed to maximum (522) for a short period of time.

-Illysion (Illusions) — When activated, 2 copies of the hero appear, dealing less damage and receiving increased damage.

-Regeneration (Reg / Regen) — A rune that replenishes the hero’s HP / MP to the maximum.

Rush (Rush) — Tactics of «quick victory». Based on a single massive push, backed up by special items, that should ensure victory.

(Salo) -Silence, silence. A type of debuff that prohibits the use of spells by the hero. Examples — y , , active effect on the item .

Skill (Skill) — Ability, skill of a unit.

Solo (Solo) — Occupation by one player of one line (Without an ally). («I’m going sf solomid»)

Sry (Sorry) — Sorry.

Stack (Stack, stacking) — «Stacking» the effects of spells (both active and passive).

Stun (Stun / stun) — The ability to stun the enemy. In this state, the unit is immobile and cannot perform any action.

Suicide (Suicide) — Death from neutral creeps, or suicide so that the enemy hero does not receive money and experience for killing.

Summon (Summon) — Summoned unit.

Support (Sup, Support) — A hero who has the ability to help his allies with abilities, «swinging» them.

THX, Ty (Thanks You) — Thank you.

Top (Top) — the upper line of movement of creeps.

TP (Teleportation, TP, Teleport) — Teleportation. T P-out: A way to avoid death is to unexpectedly teleport out of combat.

Triple-Line (Triple-line, triple) — A situation when there are three allied heroes on the line.

Ultimate (Ult, ult) — The fourth skill of the hero.

W8 (Wait) — Please wait. («w8 i’m afk»).

WP (Well Players) — Good players. A message demonstrating a positive attitude towards the level of the opposing team’s players.

Bottom — Badly playing person. An expression came from the ICCup gaming platform, with its rating system. The bottom is the bottom of the rating.

Cancer, crab — Slang term for noob in ru-community.

Weld — «Collect» any artifact from the components.

Aghanim -(Aghamin, Amplifier) ​​-

Basil (Basil) —

Basch, Basher —

BM (BM, return line, spikes) —

BeFe (BF) —

Bottle () —



Gem (Gem) —

Dagger (Dagger) —

Dust (Dust, Dust) —

Daedalus (Buriza, crits) —

Dez (Desol, braid) —

Dominator (Home) —

Eul (Eul, Wind) —

Cuirass (Ribs) —

Crystalis (crits) —

Kura (Chic, courier) —

Linka (Sphere) —


Messer (River) —

Necro (Necro) — Sammons — necros.

Pipe (Pipe, tube) —

Wand (Vand, Wand) —

PT (PT, Threads) —

Radiance (Radik) —

Salo (Orchid) —

Siya (Sasha and Yasha) —

Soul Ring (SR, SR) —

Tarasca (Heart) — .

Hex (, Guinsault) —

Ebyssal (Super bash, harsh ru-community, hello) —

Types of heroes can be combined with each other in every possible way, especially sup + something else.

Carries are heroes whose task is to dominate at the end of the game. This is usually accompanied by farming without the distraction of ganks and massive team fights. Examples:

Support — heroes whose task is to ensure the combat capability of the team. Wards, Dusts, Couriers — that’s the job of the supports. Supports also buy items for the greater combat capability of the team, but not for themselves. Meka, pipe — usually the lot of supports. They farm very rarely, but they must do it very well so as not to miss the opportunity to last-heal an extra creep. Examples:

Semi-carry — semi-carry. Heroes capable of fighting well in the late game with good equipment and dominance. Good damage also starts earlier than pure carries. Examples:

Tank or initiator — heroes whose task is to start the battle, focusing the attack on themselves. Or suddenly initiate a fight with your abilities. Examples:

Ganger is a hero whose main task is to quickly and unexpectedly kill farming heroes. Examples:

Roamers are usually supports, constantly moving between lanes and helping to kill opponents if possible. Examples:

Junglers are heroes capable of farming in the jungle from the first levels. Thus, allowing the heroes on lanes to get more gold and experience. Examples: Hardlaners are heroes who are able to lane the lane without problems, usually have an escape ability and some sort of farming ability. Examples: Pushers are heroes with summoning abilities or spells that affect buildings. They allow you to quickly break enemy towers. Examples:

The article will be finalized, write your comments and suggestions.

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